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But the West's key features, democracy and the rule of law, have taken a far more severe battering at the hands of their defenders than by their attackers.
Now the key is to make this effort work.
In this connection, Pakistan views the Karzai government in Kabul as unfriendly to Islamabad and a threat to its key strategic interests.
If so, then a key condition must be the self-respect that comes from working things out for ourselves, individually and collectively.
Likewise, indigenous development played a key role in Japan and Germany after WWII, in South Korea more recently, and the UK long before.
One key tool is the mobile phone.
But first, all countries must integrate climate concerns into policy planning, and improve their governance in key sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and transport.
The key to investment strategy is to get domestic entrepreneurs excited about the home economy.
Learning what a country is (or can be) good at producing is a key challenge of economic development.
A key point here is that institutional arrangements are, by necessity, country-specific.
Herbivorous fish are key players on coral reefs.
Unfortunately, Germany resists all of these key policy measures, as it is fixated on the credit risk to which its taxpayers would be exposed with greater economic, fiscal, and banking integration.
A growing flood of data shows that death rates in many poor countries are falling sharply, and that aid-supported programs for health-care delivery have played a key role.
In fact, real peace in the Caucasus requires two key strategic transformations.
Europe, of course, has no significant centralized tax authority, so this key automatic stabilizer is essentially absent.
But, to the hawks who now control Israeli politics, the key to Israel's security depends on depth of defense, for which expansion of the settlements is indispensable.
The second key challenge that we will face during our European presidency is that of Russia.
Moreover, the delayed implementation of key elements of the EU's association agreement with Ukraine is clear evidence that, at the moment, Russia dictates the terms of EU-Ukrainian engagement.
And exports of raw materials to China, India, Europe, and the US - a key factor in Africa's recent growth surge - may suffer simply because the global slowdown means less consumption everywhere.
The other key reason behind the world's silence is that the Sri Lankan government was relentless in banning independent observers - media, NGOs, or diplomats - from witnessing or reporting on its actions.
But it does facilitate a full and rigorous public debate over key questions of a state's foreign and domestic policies.
The key is to capture the window of opportunity for industrialization arising from the relocation of light manufacturing from higher-income countries.
All Arab nations have agreed to full recognition of Israel if it will comply with key United Nations resolutions.
The Republican-backed crusade against a key agreement negotiated by a Democratic president, with his party's overwhelming support, has threatened the bipartisan foundations of Israel's cause in America.
For the last four years, the LDP had shown itself to be utterly unresponsive to the key issues of popular concern: pensions, unemployment, and the fraying social safety net.