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Griess test English

Meaning Griess test meaning

What does Griess test mean?

Griess test

A chemical analysis test that detects the presence of organic nitrite compounds.

Examples Griess test examples

How do I use Griess test in a sentence?

Simple sentences

If you leave them lying on the desk they may roll off, so stand them in the test-tube rack.
Here's a test I want you to take.
You'll be receiving the results of your test in the mail.
It was a tough test.
I passed a language test.
Marco's test was so hard he couldn't do it.
No talking during the test, people.
This test suite is unstable.
None of us did well on the test.
The teacher saw someone copying on the test.
Are the students ready to take the test?
The student, who failed in a test in English, was inspired by his friend's words.
I don't think I'll get a good grade on the test.
I think Tom cheated on his French test.
Now that you have passed your test, you can drive on your own.
Ten to one you can pass the test.
Records certify that Bob passed his driving test.
He passed the test as was expected.
If only we didn't have to take a test in English.
He amazed everyone by passing his driving test.
He managed to pass his driving test even though he was a poor driver.
Did Paula study for today's test?
Don't worry about the result of your test.
I wish I had studied harder for the test.
I scored only 33 points on the test.
What kind of test is that?
Every student passed the driving test.
How was your test?
Looks like you didn't study much for the test.
I couldn't answer any questions on the test.
That incident put his courage to the test.
Those who missed the test must take it tomorrow.
Neither of those two students passed the test.
I found the test difficult.

Movie subtitles

A test to find out the length of duration, huh?
Can you send him and the test unit over there after I make arrangements there?
With the vertical gun loaded and the impact chamber set, it's time to test and see if the organic material laced onto the projectile can survive a high-speed impact.
It seems the time to test the swords has come.
Well, they have to test our blood first, so.
Yeah, it's like a wizard test.
That last test.
You got into the Harvard of the South, after all, which you somehow managed to mention on your test.
A multiple choice test.
I took samples of them both and sent away for a DNA test. Ow!
Will you test me on my French, Mum?
You'll be too good for me to test soon, those words get harder and harder.
Nurse Dyer, would you test me on my Highway Code?
I haven't booked my test yet.
You can only find what you test for.
I mean, you get your big, beautiful building in the city and I get to go tell a farmer who's dying that I lied and I can't help him test his water 'cause some corporate bitch is blackmailing me into dropping the whole thing.
We're gonna test the water.
And so they fetch you too, young maiden, giving you their unfailing test.
I won't test your patience any longer.
Let's have one final test. Throw the switches.
Test the batteries.
We shall now have Ah! Intelligence test.
Whale remembered Claude Rains, and discovered that he had made a screen test for RKO Radio Pictures for the leading male role in A Bill of Divorcement in 1932.
A test was made, and Rains, who had been appearing in Broadway plays, was signed at virtually the last moment.
He had been appearing in the play Peace Palace in New York in early June 1933, so the test probably was made in New York and was not directed by Whale.
Also, Rains was not done up in bandages and goggles for the test.
Are the test result not good?
Life is a test.
Are you tantalizing me? To test my patience?
The sooner you pass your driving test the better.
And you passed your driving test in 1935?

News and current affairs

This is akin to a WTO test for departures from established international standards.
Kaliningrad could be a litmus test of these relations.
In addition, it would help if the US could take a strong lead by ratifying the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.
The first litmus test on European leadership concerns the practical problem of access to harbors.
The test, of course, is not in the planning, but in the implementation of withdrawal, and the road is long and bumpy.
The real test for the German government is the labor market.
But the first test of Obama's foreign leadership disappointed many Arabs.
Moreover, the time to test readiness of the Nevada test site has been moved up from three years to two years, and funding has been provided to produce additional fissile material for new nuclear weapons.
But make no mistake: how al-Sadr is handled is the big test of Bush's new strategy.
This is where the real test of cooperation lies, for our success will rely on securing the appropriate interaction and flow of intelligence between the relevant services and the financial and banking communities.
NEW YORK - Conventional wisdom rarely survives a good stress test, and few tests have been as stressful as that which the global economy has endured over the past 24 months.
Precious time was squandered before North Korea's first nuclear test in 2006. Though Bush shifted his policy toward bilateral negotiations with the North a few months later, the Kim regime had become much more obstinate.
Today, following the North's third nuclear test, we seem to have entered the most precarious stage yet, with the regime declaring that it will never surrender its nuclear option.
As Burma's authorities test reform, these gifts, together with her negotiating skills and, most of all, her vast moral authority, will be tested as never before.
This reflects a hardening of South Korean public opinion, following North Korea's nuclear test in 2006.
Scientists are therefore still searching for an accurate predictive test that is cheaper, quicker, and less invasive than PET scans or lumbar punctures.
The ultimate test of any nation's character is to look inside itself at moments of great challenge.
Given the benefits of preventive care, the test has become highly controversial, because its manufacturer, Myriad Genetics, holds a genetic patent that gives it a monopoly - and huge profits - on all testing.
The true test of this interim agreement, therefore, is whether both sides can secure the domestic space to continue negotiating.
Precious time was squandered before North Korea's first nuclear test in 2006.
Iran's participation in an international peace conference is an absolute necessity, if only to test Rowhani's seriousness.
Coercion, not culture, is the test.
From my perspective, today's off-the-shelf computer programs come awfully close to meeting Turing's test.

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