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Examples Gray-Zweizahnwal examples

How do I use Gray-Zweizahnwal in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Her gray hair makes her look older than her age.
Tom has grown old and turned gray since I last saw him.
The man must be over sixty, for his hair is gray.
Miss Gray told the boy to hold his tongue while she was speaking.
My office is on the fourth floor of that gray six-story building.
I noticed that a small gray animal was looking toward us.
I'm getting more and more gray hair.
When he smiled, the children saw his long, gray teeth.
They lived in a very small house at the end of a long, gray street.
Her hair is turning gray.
My father's head has turned gray.
Father's hair has turned gray.
My father is becoming gray.
Mr Gray was the first man that arrived.
His head was gray.
Her hair became gray with the years.
His shirt was gray and the tie was yellow.
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
Her socks are gray.

Movie subtitles

He's, uh, he's got gray hair, glasses.
The man in the gray hat.
We saw him for an instant.a gray shadow.and he was gone!
Soulful. gray on gray. bleak.
It's that big gray bat again, sir.
Allan Gray felt a sinister force descend upon him.
Here, in seclusion, with only his two daughters and a few servants for company, lived the man who had appeared to Allan Gray earlier at the inn.
A little gray.
Come on, gray boy!
Your hair is gray, but you look young enough.
You think I wanted to come and talk to him - this gray, cold man?
I'll wear my brown suit, pearl-gray tie and suede vest.
It's so gray and expensive here.
Robert Gray.
What if I did? Would it turn your hair gray?
If you wait for her to tell the truth, you'll have a long gray beard.
White, tan or gray?
I'm going to join up with our brave lads in gray.
Jump, you gray-backed beggars!
Gray, old-aged dreaming over a crowded past.
Those same eyes, gray one moment, green the next.
Go on, you gray-haired old weasel.
They're about your height, wearing gray topcoats.
Between white and black there is gray.
Will you kindly respect my gray hair?
I said I didn't want a gray one.
Go on, you gray-haired old weasel!
Gray. Light gray.
Gray topcoats.
Gray top. Gray topcoats.

News and current affairs

The shades of gray have real consequences for policy towards Iran: as an Iranian political scientist recently put it at a seminar in Germany, younger people in Iran do feel themselves to be Muslims, and Iran will never become a secular society.
At the same time, the speed of technological innovation is outpacing that of legislation, meaning that corporate activities are routinely entering seemingly gray areas devoid of regulation.
Above all, uncertainty has become the norm, in contrast to the gray but predictable future offered by the old communist regimes.
For eight years, he carried out silovik orders, combining the role of Kremlin gray cardinal with treasurer of the main source of silovik power, the chairmanship of state-owned energy giant Gazprom.
A modus vivendi is all that can realistically be achieved, suggests John Gray in his the Two Faces of Liberalism.
By refusing to leave the streets and squares of Kyiv, Ukraine's mass volunteer army of democrats forced our country's gray old men of the past to retreat into the past.
Already it is oversubscribed and trading in the gray market at a triple the likely issue price.
To say that Duch is a monster who does not deserve rights ignores the gray area between good and evil, between man and monster, where anything is possible.
This trial is about that gray area, about that place in us all where morality decays and evil takes root and grows, the way mold prevails given the right conditions.
The oppressive atmosphere of gray, government-imposed simplicity has finally insinuated itself into every sphere of Russian life.
In his latest book, Black Mass, the philosopher John Gray discusses how political doctrines like Marxism colonized the apocalyptic vision in prophesying the destruction of capitalism as the prelude to the socialist utopia.
Yet, despite the gray and chill of March in Central Europe, Berlin exudes confidence.
Such beliefs engineer a dull and gray life, devoid of anything unique, because individuality is deemed irrational, non-systemic, unnecessary.

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