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Examples Freddi Fish examples

How do I use Freddi Fish in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Do you like fish?
Is the fish still alive?
What about having fish for dinner?
The whale is not a fish but a mammal.
Whales feed on small fish.
As we need fresh air, so fish need clean water.
We caught some large fish there.
I like fish.
He doesn't like fish.
He caught three fish.
She's only interested in fish and cockroaches.
I'm not a real fish, I'm just a mere plushy.
I'd rather be a bird than a fish.
Are you trying to fish in troubled waters?
You shouldn't have eaten the fish raw.
Air is to man what water is to fish.
Eating fish is good for your health.
Fish, please.
Fish are cold-blooded animals.
Fish live in the water.
Fish cannot live out of water.
I'm not a real fish; I'm just a cuddle toy.
How is it going in the fish market?
They sell fish and meat.
A fish swims by moving its tail.

Movie subtitles

Matahachi! Did a fish get away from you?
There's, um, the Chino Hills State Park, the Azusa Fish Canyon Falls.
What time do you want to pick me up? Uh. Okay, so I've been up all night and I hung the fish, painted the walls, put up the mural, cleaned out the fridge, redid the grout in the bathroom and for the finishing touch.
Ooh, we're reeling in a big fish?
In those days, in Marstrand, there lived an impoverished fish hawker, a man known as Torarin.
Most of his time was spent on the road selling salted and dried fish.
Fish and game.
For instance, a fish can putter in water but not on land, because he'd be out of place.
Look, Mummy, I'm a fish.
No, I've changed now. I'm a fish.
But they make Mister Penderel a kind of fish out of water.
You see, I've not much sympathy with fish out of water although I happen to be one myself.
Fish,Don't Do This, And Fish Don't Do That.
Abie, the fish peddler from Czechoslovakia.
That's a fish!
I don't want the fish. Flash!
All you got is a fish and a flutz and a flitz and a flutz.
I no want the fish. Flash.
Pardon me, did you lose a fish?
Oh, the fish.
Did you lose that fish again?
Abie the fish peddler.
Did Mother invite a fish peddler here?
Fish, you ask, and game?
Just remember that if there weren't any closets, there wouldn't be any hooks. and if there weren't any hooks, there'd be no fish, and that would suit me fine.
I've got a couple of fish for you.
Did a fish get away from you?
Okay, so I've been up all night and I hung the fish, painted the walls, put up the mural, cleaned out the fridge, redid the grout in the bathroom and for the finishing touch.
How old is this fish anyway?
When you bumped into this dump fish you said he was a blank check.
They're swarming around like alley cats over a fish head.
You never get out of that soup and fish.
Well? Were you catchin' some fish?
I thought you were catching' some fish.
Were you catchin' some fish? Get his jacket.
Kettle of fish. Your daughter.
This is all swell, but you're peddling your fish in the wrong market.

News and current affairs

This means that once predator species become depleted, fishing pressure shifts towards plant-eating fish species, leading to precipitous declines in the numbers of herbivores on coral reefs.
Herbivorous fish are key players on coral reefs.
Second, we must restore coral reefs' capacity to cope with environmental change--their resilience--by protecting the fish stocks that keep seaweed in check, and thereby facilitate the recovery of coral populations from bleaching.
Without fish, seaweed dominance will prevent that recovery.
The catastrophic collapse of fish stocks around the world--on coral reefs and elsewhere--has provided hard lessons about managing fisheries.
More importantly, they provide a refuge for fish populations, a kind of insurance policy against stock collapse.
On coral reefs, these no-take zones can help insure that a portion of coral reef habitat sustains a healthy fish community, and secure the coral reef resilience that this brings.
In recent years, proposals have been considered that would establish marine reserves around the continent and end the risk of growing scarcity, or the outright disappearance, of a variety of species of fish and cetaceans.
Like forests, coral reefs provide multiple services - including tourism and fish nurseries, which help to sustain commercial fishing - and have an intrinsic value to people.
Global demand for fish consumption is growing, and so, too, is the global capacity to catch fish, driving some species to the point of extinction.
Improved aquaculture, in which fish are grown at manmade fishponds and reservoirs is still far from being a perfect technology, mainly for environmental reasons, yet it is enormously promising.
We would pass people fishing, perhaps reeling in their lines with struggling fish hooked at the end of them.
Not for fish.
We are clearly harmed if fish stocks dwindle to extinction.
Once I saw a man take a small fish out of a bucket and impale it, still wriggling, on an empty hook to use as bait.
My father told me that he could not understand how anyone could enjoy an afternoon spent taking fish out of the water and letting them die slowly.
For example, spiny dogfish is partly substituting for cod in many European fish-and-chip shops.
When the explorer John Cabot sailed off the coast of Newfoundland more than 500 years ago, vast shoals of cod slowed down his ships; crews could lower buckets over the side and fill them with fish.
Indeed, with the exception of wild berries, wild game, wild mushrooms, and fish and shellfish, virtually everything in North American and European diets has been genetically improved in some way.
There is no humane slaughter requirement for wild fish caught and killed at sea, nor, in most places, for farmed fish.

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