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Fall Waldheim

Examples Fall Waldheim examples

How do I use Fall Waldheim in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Did you fall in love with her at first sight?
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter.
I saw an old man fall on his back in the street.
Autumn came and the leaves started to fall.
She is getting married this fall.
She was injured in a fall.
Leaves begin to fall in October.
I can't fall asleep.
The moon is pretty in the fall.
It's a lot easier to fall in love than to stay in love.
Some flowers bloom in the spring and other flowers bloom in the fall.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Be careful not to fall.
I'm afraid to fall.
Despite Trang's constant affirmations of love, Spenser is still afraid someday she will fall out of love with him.
I was so excited that I could not fall asleep.
We moved to New York last fall.
Suddenly rain began to fall.
As a rule, we have a lot of rain in fall.
I heard something fall to the ground.
Don't fall in love because we hate you still.
A heavy rain began to fall.
One step further, and you will fall into an abyss.
Mr Iuchi has no one to fall back on.
Although 475AD is the year that shows the 'decline' of the Roman Empire, it is not the year of its 'fall'.
Teachers shouldn't fall back on their authority.
The rise and fall of the sea is governed by the moon.
In the fall we harvest our summer crops.
After the movie they fall asleep.
A single step, and you will fall over the cliff.
Another step, and you will fall down the precipice.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Movie subtitles

Now the terror groups in Area 11 will lose their popular support and fall apart.
You guys gonna be so gullible to fall for this, really?
Otherwise, a person like our Young Master wouldn't fall for her.
Her and her partner took a bad fall.
But don't you still have to find a fall guy and fire someone?
No-one can really choose who they fall in love with.
He didn't fall.
Shannon, don't fall asleep.
We began to struggle, I. pushed her, but I didn't think she would fall and die.
But I do know you Americans tend to fall for easy explanations.
Fall back to the tower!
He rushes to the rope which hangs from the point of the shell and letting himself slide down the rope he gives it an impetus which causes the shell to fall off the edge of the moon.
In the name of Allah, the imans and the muezzins were going to promise Mahomet's paradise to the ones who would fall in battle.
The splash of a dark fall sounds in the silent night.
In the army, barriers fall.
I don't want you to fall for just anyone.
Oh, the nerd apple doesn't fall far from the nerd tree.
Yeah, like I'd fall for the same trick twice.
Ahh, I'm going to fall soon.
Fall back.
The leaves wither and fall.
I don't want her to fall over.
The audience will fall asleep! Give it a minute, dear.
Don't fall into her trap.
That's when his eyes fall on a knife.
Fall in!
Perhaps I just happened to fall?
Some things have to fall into place first.
Korea will fall into a crisis.
Why won't this guy fall?
After the fall of Plevna Osman Pasha surrenders his sword.
As the predator Nosferatu approached, it seems that the estate agent,Knock, had already begun to fall under his spell.
He knew he couldn't fall asleep.
Fall back, then!
Get your packs and fall in. Hurry up!
Get your packs and fall in.

News and current affairs

If foreign financing is not forthcoming, yields on US government debt will rise and the US economy will fall back into recession.
Forcing common standards means that Europe will fall further behind as member states shuffle their costs onto their neighbours.
Even Slobodan Milosevic had more support in Yugoslavia before his fall.
Their financial trust index, based on a large-scale survey of financial decision-makers in American households, did show a sharp fall in trust in late 2008 and early 2009, following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
That fall in confidence affected banks, the stock market, and the government and its regulators.
The fall of Milosevic does not cure the political woes of the Balkans; indeed, it raises their urgency.
The most critical issue isn't any rise or fall in emissions. It is how much climate damage we can avoid.
Turkey's seeming fall from grace with the US may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
Communism's fall saw the appearance of several small states in Europe.
Since Greece's current-account deficit as a share of GDP was three times higher than Ireland's, Greek prices would have to fall by about half to achieve the same kind of success.
States with balanced-budget frameworks are forced to cut spending as tax revenues fall - an automatic destabilizer that Europe seems mindlessly bent on adopting.
If Europe - particularly the European Central Bank - were to borrow, and re-lend the proceeds, the costs of servicing Europe's debt would fall, creating room for the kinds of expenditure that would promote growth and employment.
NAIROBI - With unemployment soaring, bankruptcies climbing, and stock markets in free-fall, it may at first glance seem sensible to ditch the fight against climate change and put environmental investments on hold.
Thus, new fights on the debt ceiling, risks of a government shutdown, and rating downgrades could further depress consumer and business confidence, reducing spending and accelerating a flight to safety that would exacerbate the fall in stock markets.
Of course, the fall of the house of Lehman Brothers has nothing to do with the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The question now is whether governments will give Judge Goldstone's findings the serious attention they deserve, or instead fall back into an overtly political posture.
It will fall to the Union, once again, to help transform despair into hope.
That lesson should have been absorbed and understood, not least by American strategists, long before the Taliban's fall.
If real estate prices were to fall dramatically, a chain reaction could occur, taking down big and small investors alike, and over time causing wide suffering to ordinary Africans.
The most critical issue isn't any rise or fall in emissions.
Every percentage-point fall in growth has direct social consequences, whether on nutrition levels, infant mortality, or school attendance.
Even assuming stability in real estate prices, the global crisis surely will cause a fall in remittances by Africans working good jobs in Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, and the Middle East.
While my wheat stalks are sprouting on schedule, I now fear that at harvest time - in November - prices will fall and I won't recoup my costs.