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Examples Ethelwynn’s drum examples

How do I use Ethelwynn’s drum in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I hear the drum.
She can play the drum.
They usually drum their fingers at red lights.
A bass drum, a snare drum, and cymbals were once all a composer needed to make a work sound exotic.
What police thought was a distressed cat turned out to be a man practicing the cuica, a drum which produces noise by rubbing a stick attached to the drumhead from the inside.
Tom usually plays a drum solo at least once every time his band gives a concert.
Do not beat the drum. Beat the drummer.
Jim likes to play the drum.
They had been thumping the drum all along.
Saule, give me the drum.
Saule, give the drum.
He plays the drum.
A fool is like a drum - beaten by anyone passing by.

Movie subtitles

Then drum will join drum. flag will join flag. group will join group, Gau to Gau. and after that, this earlier divided people. will follow these sacred columns of the Nation.
Let the war drum call to battle!
Well, now to finish, suppose we see some of the percussion instruments, beginning with the bass drum.
Juan coming home- and my heart starts beating again like a drum.
That's the work drum over at the sugar mill.
Sheriff Drum is here to make a very important announcement.
Hey, what's all the shouting' and drum beating' about?
And as he drains his draughts of Rhenish down the kettle-drum and trumpet thus bray out the triumph of his pledge.
A drum, a drum!
He's locked up tight as a drum.
I'll ring down after you fall in the drum.
No, after I'm carried off in the drum.
Drum roll.
Drum roll!
That drum doesn't seem stationary.
The chiefs have promised 200 more runners once you drum out the call.
Saidi, send out the runners, drum up the tribes.
Or did they drum that much morality into you in Parramatta?
And even if I might get robbed six times by seven men, I keep on hitting my big drum, I keep on making boom boom boom!
Early in the morning the timber drum summons the monks for their ritual daily work.
This one slides down the banister and lands - bang! - right on the big drum.
There should be a drum roll.
Look, Gallagher, I know this drum's full of crackpots.
I've been relaxed for three weeks and look at me now- reduced to pounding the pedal of a bass drum for a little excitement.
Don't drum on the bowls, you'll bring the dead man back.
Mrs. Drum.
Perhaps you also have some drum majorettes.
Tight as a drum.
The drum and flute of a marriage procession mingled. with the laughter of the dancing girls as they journeyed to a village wedding.
The armature is in contact with the brake drum and revolves with the wheel.
Like a drum leather, old, but tight.
How you feel? I got pain on my left side. My leg throb like a drum.

News and current affairs

For several weeks this summer, the stadiums in Austria and Switzerland, not to mention the streets of European capitals, from Madrid to Moscow, were given to an orgy of flag-waving, anthem-singing, drum-beating patriotism.

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