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Examples Die Bassariden examples

How do I use Die Bassariden in a sentence?

Simple sentences

We are born crying, spend our lives complaining, and die disappointed.
As soon as man is born he begins to die.
Die already!
I want to die with Getter Jaani.
I am ready to die.
It's sad to know that we may die any moment.
If you do not surrender, you will die!
I'd like to die of old age.
Without water, the flowers die.
Tom is going to die.
They don't deserve to die.
Smokers die young.
You will not die from that.
If you don't eat, you die.
If you don't eat, you'll die.
Never try to die.
We would die without air.
The strong will survive and the weak will die.
An absence of rain caused wild plants to die.
Absence of rain caused the plants to die.
Is it right for a doctor to decide when someone should die?
People who are unconscious can't say they want to die.
Bad habits die hard.
We all shall die sooner or later.
If the sun were to stop shining, all living things would die.
Patients often die simply because they yield to their diseases.
Were I to die, who would look after my children?
Cowards die many times before their deaths.

Movie subtitles

Just go to sleep. If you don't want to die.
Make me sad again, and I'll really die then.
I should die!
And then to abandone Richard who she loved. How hard it must be not to die. Take it easy, ma'am.
I am to die for, right?
You, do you want to see me die today?
Always saying you're going to die. Its getting so old.
Do you guys die because of a woman?
Do you die because of a person?
In that war, my father HAD to die!
I'd sooner die than sign that!
Garbage like you should just die where no one can. let's break this up.
Watch all your friends and family die Hasa Diga Eebowai!
What did Jesus do When they sentenced him to die?
Let him die, Doc!
Those brutes must die!
You rose up in arms against me, you deserve to die!
Muslims are ready to die for their faith.
We'll die so you can escape.
I knew it. She'll die!
You can't let her die like that!
But you try and skip town again, these two will die.
Until I die?
Stop them before they die!
If we do nothing, it won't be long before you die out.
I can't leave my friend to die.
If he sees someone in danger, he's going to rescue them or die trying, you know?
Your citizens might all die.
Don't die!
This is an order. don't die!
Don't die, Eun Si Gyeong!
Don't die! Eun Si Gyeong!
Don't die.
Won't we die?
I'm also not going to die.
We will die if we do so.
So grim reapers die as well?
People have to die so that in their place more people will be born, right?
Do you all want to die?
Musashi-sama. aren't you? If Musashi-sama is willing to die then I have no intention of living either.

News and current affairs

NEW YORK - Every year, millions of people die from preventable and treatable diseases, especially in poor countries.
And many die simply because there are no cures or vaccines, because so little of the world's valuable research talent and limited resources is devoted to addressing the diseases of the poor.
Some 3,000 people die on the world's roads every day.
Despite increasing incomes, Russians are less educated and less healthy than they were when Putin came to power; they still die at a shockingly young age.
While 3,000 innocent people died in the US on September 11, 2001, in Africa 8,000 innocent children die every day from malaria.
Radical Islamism offered him a ready-made cause to die for.
An old and sick man who was to die a few months later, he acted with a sense of urgency to reach a deal that would relieve his inexperienced son of the burden of struggling for the recovery of the Golan Heights.
I remember working at a pediatric ward as a teenager and watching children die from diseases like polio, measles, and tetanus - all easily prevented by vaccines.
Assisting a person who has explicitly asked to die is increasingly being seen as a justifiable action, especially in the context of a terminal illness.
And what about people whose reason for wanting to die is not related to their medical condition at all?
Of course, any regulation in this field requires at least some involvement by a doctor but the Oregon Act recognizes the fundamental dilemma faced by doctors confronted with a patient's request to die and strives to keep that involvement to a minimum.
In Oregon, the patient decides independently of the physician where and when he or she wants to die, or even at all.
Compassion in Dying, a right-to-die society and non-medical NGO, participates in a consultative way in most of these cases.
About 1.2 million Chinese die prematurely each year because of outdoor air pollution.
Yet so many women die like flies, in pools of blood and deep-rooted indifference.
Although Djindjic was not popular, only extreme nationalists and die-hard Milosevic supporters are cheering.
The best study shows that by 2050, heat will claim 400,000 more lives, but 1.8 million fewer will die because of cold.
Two and a half million people will die because of indoor and outdoor air pollution.
But catchy ideas die hard, and Russia has moved to cement the current concept of the BRICs into an irreversible reality.
How many poor children will suffer - or die - from lack of food and health care?
But if the British imagine that the Constitution will just die, and that that will be the end of the story, they are deceiving themselves.

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