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Demarcation Team

Examples Demarcation Team examples

How do I use Demarcation Team in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I'm sure that our team will win.
He is as good as any player on our team.
He insulted our team.
I am not the captain of the new team.
Mary represented her team in the competition.
What team does Tom play for?
We're a team.
The women's basketball team has a male coach.
Are you a team player?
Tom made the basketball team.
Tom made the hockey team.
Tom made the soccer team.
Every time I join a new game of Warcraft, I am pitted against a new team of adversaries.
Your team is stronger than ours.
It would demoralize the opposing team to give it the razz from the spectators' side.
He left his team as he could not get along with the manager.
Our team is winning.
Our team were wearing red shirts.
Our team won the game.
Our team is five points ahead.
Our team is two points ahead.
Our soccer team beat all the other teams in the town.
To our disappointment, our team lost the game.
Our team lost all its games.
Your team doesn't have a prayer to win the championship game.
It was apparent to everybody that our team was stronger.

Movie subtitles

There were 1 1,095 volumes in total, and it was compiled by a team of 2,000 scholars.
Just doing my part, you know, 'cause we're supposed to be a team.
Here at nasa's Ames Research Center in northern California, astronomer Peter schultz and his team are testing to see if this theory of Panspermia is even remotely possible.
I want to make it to the end, but I want to do it as a team, kind of like how Neeko's doing it, you know?
Don't you think we should team up?
I'm personally leading a trauma team down to the incident now.
I'd best tell the trauma team.
I'll call as soon as I hand her over to the Burns Team.
We'll also need a team to confirm that the recipients are prepped and in the O.R. By the time their kidneys arrive.
When we met, I was the water boy for my high school basketball team, and I got stuffed in a locker after practice.
We're supposed to be a team and I want to do something for her.
OC Search have a team, and enquiries are underway.
This is where the team photo is taken before every match?
We need SSG and ESR plus the dog team to see if they can pick up anything fresh.
We should team up.
Yeah, yeah, we, uh, we make a good team.
That's not all. Their R D team is astounding. Bleeding-edge munitions are made there.
If you've detained Dr. Gilmore and his team, bring them in without further delay.
You're talking about the team from the bridge that grabbed the general's daughter.
They're an extraction team.
We're assembling a team.
Your team scored that time.
Then we make a team.
And for a good football team, you need good football players.
I didn't tell you to fall for him, just to find out about his team.
He put me on the football team.
The whole team?
You can fix it for our team to win.
Frankie, I just heard you challenged bud's team to a soccer game.
So it was all set up. All bud's team had to do was win.
They were out-geared, out-muscled, out-weighed, but bud's team played with heart.
Frankie's team just played dirty.
It was as hot as a hot dog, and Frankie's team looked like they were running out of steam.
But just when it looked like bud's team had the game in the bag, Frankie found a way to change the rules of the to change the rules of the game.
You know, most kids didn't think bud's team was gonna win, but I did.
Frankie's team was playing for greed; Bud's team was playing for justice, so it meant more to them.
We're a team, we're like a band of brothers.
Who are those who knew about that place? Our family, the Chief Secretary, Eun Si Gyeong, the safety inspection team and only a few guards.
The UNDC meeting has indicated that it is okay for the North and South joint team to participate.

News and current affairs

And the German team has put on a wonderful display of heart warming and modern offensive soccer (which nobody could have expected!).
More importantly, not only in the German team, but also in the country as a whole, a young, cool, laid-back, and carefree Germany is raising its head - a Germany that is cosmopolitan, friendly, and good-humored.
A team that is unable to keep going at full speed for the full 90 (or more) minutes, switch from defense to offense quickly with the whole team, and maintain control of the ball to restrict their opponents' movements won't stand much of a chance.
The Bush team was outspoken in its hostility to a range of international agreements, from the Kyoto Treaty to reduce global warming to the establishment of the International Criminal Court.
Bush let the managers manage the team and the financial guys run the business.
Between 2001 and 2003, I was part of a team that undertook an extensive survey of values in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, and Jordan.
Proud Kasparov, who was perhaps more stunned than anyone, was sure that the IBM team must have cheated.
But the IBM team had not cheated.
In the Italian case, following the corruption scandals that have nearly sunk Il Calcio, Italy's premier football league, the national team had to rehabilitate the game in the eyes of their fellow citizens.
Football magnifies the cult of the individual and the glorification of the hero, but it is also a celebration of the cooperative team spirit.
In terms of football at least, the Hispanic community's influence has brought the United States closer to Europe (though not, of course, in its team's performance on the pitch).
As I watched the Croatia-Australia match early in the tournament, I surprised myself, too, as I realized that my emotions were with the Australian team, whatever that could mean, given that there were so many Croatians playing for Australia.
From ping-pong diplomacy with China to the united German Olympic team that competed in 1990 before actual reunification, sport has prefigured political developments, and politicians everywhere have seized on the importance of the World Cup.
Soon after, I started casually discussing the notion of becoming a backup cosmonaut with the Space Adventures team.
Even a brawl between the Chinese and a visiting American basketball team is viewed as evidence of China's aggressive behavior.
The Cheney-Rumsfeld team is so arrogant that it acts as if it can flaunt the takeover of Middle East oil while brushing aside questions.
Wall Street's titans, however, had convinced Obama and his team that their continued stewardship was essential to getting the world out of its crisis.
For him and the team that took over after Helmut Kohl's 16-year reign, Germany had become a normal country, no different from other European heavyweights like France or Britain.
But this time something was different: Americans continued to watch even after the US team was eliminated.
For starters, both the US team and the US audience for soccer derive their growing strength from immigrants - many from countries where the sport is a national passion.
Like viewers around the world, Americans rooted for their team together, regardless of their domestic differences.
As our team maneuvered the ball down the field, politics fell away.
And, more often than not, what we are witnessing is individual achievement - the deeply concentrated agility and courage of the downhill racer or the finely disciplined movements of the gymnast - rather than true team effort.
In part, the UN team wanted to keep humanitarian assistance lines open.
The team was also subjected to shameless verbal bullying by Sri Lankan officials (a deeply unpleasant experience to which I, too, have been subjected).
The team's members also knew that Sri Lanka's government had wide support among UN member states, and that the LTTE had none at all.
Musharraf went to Ferozeshah Kotala cricket ground in Delhi and saw his team win the match.
Shetty's team has successfully participated in telemedicine consultations - multi-specialty, non-stop availability, and supplemented by continuing education - with hospitals in 14 African countries.