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Darrell English

Meaning Darrell meaning

What does Darrell mean?


A en given name in the 19th century.

Examples Darrell examples

How do I use Darrell in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

It's all yours Darrell.
Unload Darrell.
Come on, Darrell, put the pedal to the metal!
Darrell, watch that truck!
Darrell Hennings.
We'll get Darrell.
Darrell's phone's out of order.
Rita, the reason I stopped by is Darrell's moved again..and I need his new phone number.
Alberto, I'll go crazy if I don't get Darrell's new number.
I hear he moved, Darrell.
Darrell, would you think for once in your life?
The good news is Darrell lost his informant status.
Guess what, Darrell?
His name is Larry Darrell, and I'll tell you that Elliott doesn't approve of him.
And she's in love with Larry Darrell.
Mr. Maugham, this is Larry Darrell.
Anything for Lawrence Darrell?
Monsieur Darrell.
Mr. Darrell.
His name is Lawrence Darrell.
And what do you know of Monsieur Lawrence Darrell?
Mr. Maugham, Mr. Darrell.
Well, really now, young Mr. Larry Darrell that's the most sensible thing I've ever heard you say.
Pardon, madame, but Mr. Darrell wishes to know if the chauffeur might drive him to the station.
Darrell, it may come as a shock. but there are other things besides girls.
Hello, Darrell.
I know, we're right up front, between Valley Realty and Darrell's Body Shop.
Is Darrell taking care of you?
Just up at Darrell's.
That fucking Darrell!
I'm Bob Cutlass, here with my good friend, Darrell Cartrip.
If this gets more exciting, they're gonna have to tow me outta the booth! Right, Darrell.
Wait a second, Darrell.
This is it, Darrell.
Darrell, is pushing on the last lap legal?
Captain, this is, uh, Darrell Cain.
Darrell Cain, Captain, uh, Leland Stottlemeyer, Natalie Teeger, Adrian Monk.
I'm Darrell.

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