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Currie Cup

Examples Currie Cup examples

How do I use Currie Cup in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I am thirsty. I would like to have a cup of coffee.
Don't drop that cup.
A cup of tea, please.
She drank a cup of milk.
She brought a cup of tea to me.
The cup is on the table.
Does a cup of coffee cost one crown?
Tom drank a cup of coffee.
Do you want another cup of tea?
Let's go get a cup of coffee and talk.
Tom went into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee.
This isn't your cup of tea.
Excuse me, may I have another cup of tea?
Do you want a cup of coffee?
Would you mind making an extra cup of coffee whenever you decide to have some?
I'm glad you enjoy skiing, but I guess it's just not my cup of tea.
It is hard to wake up without a strong cup of coffee.
Desk work is just not my cup of tea.
Please give me a cup of milk.
Won't you have another cup of coffee?
Give me another cup of tea.
Will you have another cup of tea?
Have a cup of milk. It will do you good.
Would you like a cup of milk?
Waiter, please give me a cup of tea.
Have another cup.
It's not my cup of tea.
That evening I left my tip under a coffee cup, which I left upside down on the table.
The cup has a crack.

Movie subtitles

If we wanted to pop over and borrow a cup of sugar, it would take some 700,000 years for us to bring the sugar home.
I've never even made you a cup of honey water with my own hands.
Must've been from my pen cup.
Let's see how it looks with some nice B-cup action in there.
Do you need a cup of tea? Uh, sorry.
We just assumed that she'd run off, that the game wasn't her cup of tea after all.
Take a seat, Nurse Crane, I'll see if we can get you a cup of tea.
Can I tempt you to a cup?
Nice try with the cup, but you're not gonna get my prints.
I should like to talk over one or two things with you. Will you take a cup of tea with me this afternoon?
You sit down, make yourself easy and I'll draw you a cup oftea.
Pass a cup to the dead already, a round for the next to die.
Pardon me, could you spare a dime for a cup of coffee?
Let me make you a cup of tea.
Now you sit down, make yourself easy, and I'll brew you a cup of tea.
What you need is a cup of coffee.
Hey, waiter, bring me a cup of coffee.
I'd like to get a cup of coffee.
Our little playmates, just in time for a cup of tea.
Come over to have a cup of tea.
Can I get you a nice cup of tea, miss?
I come 6,000 miles and all I'm offered is a cup of tea.
Always filled the cup of happiness for all the people for to drink that.
And now, a half cup for my strange little girl.
And the cup too!
And now, a half cup for my strange little girl. Wait for what comes next.
But tomorrow a very rich uncle is coming to me for a cup of coffee.
And a cup of coffee.
Do I look like a small cup of coffee?
I'll have you begging for a cup of coffee.
Draw another cup of java.
Yes, sir, but you had only a cup of tea for breakfast for three days.
You're having a cup of tea, I see.
Will you have a cup of tea, Mrs. Hawkins?

News and current affairs

With the final stage of the World Cup approaching, now is a good opportunity for a mid-tournament appraisal.
This year's Cup, unlike the previous one in Japan and South Korea in 2002, didn't witness any real upsets in the first round.
Otherwise, we're experiencing a wonderful Cup in Germany, in terms of both sportsmanship and the overall atmosphere.
The Cup's organization has been exceptional (as was to be expected), with excellent police work giving hooligans hardly a chance.
In short, Germany during the World Cup is reminiscent of a Shakespearean midsummer night's dream, with a touch of Woodstock to boot.
This World Cup demonstrates three main developments that the sport has undergone.
So we must hope that the World Cup in South Africa in 2010 will finally bring greater global parity.
For now, we have a World Cup filled with soccer that is being shaped by a new, young generation both on and off the playing field - light-hearted, enthralling, and beautiful to watch.
After all, who would have predicted a World Cup final between France and Italy?
If football and its culminating moment, the World Cup, has become the universal religion of the global age, this is above all because it fulfills, in a non-spiritual way, contradictory instincts in human nature.
At the same time, during the World Cup, fans are not only universal; they are also unique, and they can express their difference with impunity, sometimes in the most assertive, aggressive, and, unfortunately, occasionally racist manner.
From this standpoint, this year's World Cup has not only witnessed the triumph of European nations - all semi-finalists were European for the first time since 1982 - but also the absence of even a glimmer of European emotions.
The Cup's explosions of proud nationalism hide more tortured realities.
From ping-pong diplomacy with China to the united German Olympic team that competed in 1990 before actual reunification, sport has prefigured political developments, and politicians everywhere have seized on the importance of the World Cup.
Many millions more Americans watched the World Cup soccer tournament in English and Spanish than ever before.
True, with the World Cup's end, many are arguing, as usual, that Americans pay attention only every four years - and only when the US is playing.
For the US, in particular, the World Cup is a great equalizer.
The World Cup allows all of the supporters of one country to come together at one moment for one game between two groups that must, like them, become more than the sum of their parts.
It actually feels incomplete to watch the World Cup alone.
But sport can also become a kind of gigantic, distracting screen behind which nasty regimes do outrageous things - the very opposite of the Olympic and World Cup spirit.
When football matches - at least those that must produce a winner - end in a draw, a penalty shoot-out must resolve the matter, as this World Cup has demonstrated so dramatically.
Many French were troubled by the explosion of joy that followed the victory of the Algerian soccer team over Egypt in its qualification for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
And Swiss federal prosecutors are looking into shady deals behind the decisions to award the World Cup competitions in 2018 and 2022 to Russia and Qatar, respectively.
Coke was the main sponsor of the 1978 World Cup in Argentina, ruled in those days by a brutal military junta.
In the case of Qatar, this meant the right to stage the World Cup in an utterly unsuitable climate, in stadiums hastily built under terrible conditions by underpaid foreign workers with few rights.
For weeks I have sat at my television watching the World Cup. My wife threatens me with divorce and other disciplinary measures.
It is a bitter shock to realize the fragility of our world of freedom, spirituality, and dignity and awaken again (as we will when the Cup winner is decided) in our less hospitable everyday world.
It's that time again: the World Cup is upon us.
The French football heroes who won the World Cup in 1998 included men of African and Arab origin, and they were proud of it.
This year's World Cup might well be a festival of brotherhood and peace.