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Cornell box English

Meaning Cornell box meaning

What does Cornell box mean?

Cornell box

(computer graphics) A physical box with variously coloured walls and an inner light source, photographed and used to gauge the accuracy of a computer rendering of the same scene.

Examples Cornell box examples

How do I use Cornell box in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The box is made of wood.
You can tear the box open.
Leave that box where it is.
What's in the box?
This box is not as big as that one.
The lid of this box won't lift.
That box is bigger than this one.
My box is twice as heavy as yours.
I opened the box and looked inside.
I don't have a box.
Tom put all his money in a box and hid it under his bed.
There are five apples in the box.
Tom handed Mary the box.
Tom put the box in the car.
You may take either the big box or the small one.
Do you know what this box is made of?
I found the box empty.
Where is the nearest telephone box?
There are gaps between the boards in the box. If you fit them in snugly, you'll get more use out of the box.
You must on no condition open the box.
How do you make a box?
Pack them in the box.
The girl lifted the heavy box with one hand.
Take that box away!
Why did you open the box?

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