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Examples Brutto-weight examples

How do I use Brutto-weight in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Speaking medically, I advise you to lose weight.
All these books will be worth their weight in gold someday.
She has put on weight recently.
She has lost weight.
How can I lose weight?
Do you think Tom has lost weight?
I'd like to lose some weight.
She lost weight.
Tom lost weight.
You need to lose some weight.
I need to lose some weight.
Tom is probably trying to lose weight.
It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight.
The ice will give under your weight.
What's the weight of your suitcase?
I put on a little weight last year.
I've suddenly lost weight.
The ice will crack beneath our weight.
Salt is sold by weight.
In order to lose weight some people skip meals.
I think I'm putting on weight again.
A pound is a unit of weight.
The boxer had to lose weight for the title match.
She's lost a lot of weight since she went on a diet.
I've suddenly started to gain weight.
I have to lose weight, so I'm on a diet.
If you want to lose weight, you'll have to be careful about what you eat.
I'll gain weight again!
I don't eat supper because I want to lose some weight.

Movie subtitles

So you were in the one prison without a weight room?
Two and a half times what would be considered sober for her body weight.
I feel all the weight of my guilt.
Through the directional boosts mentioned above weight regained on board.
You haven't lost any weight.
I'm putting on weight.
Look how well he looks, he's gained weight in our house!
I'm a devil of a weight.
Who wouldn't be, carrying all that weight around?
You've put on a little weight, haven't you?
What a world without weight!
We'll never sink under the weight of fish we been catching.
Mr. President, if Dreyfus was justly condemned a full inquiry now would give that condemnation increased weight and we would lose our case.
Perhaps it's the weight of your purse that wearies you.
Agreed, but in order to reach that elevation, there will be weight limitations.
Remember, each of your answers will carry significant weight.
And her tears? Her sobs? Her weight loss?
You haven't lost any weight, either.
You've been enjoying life. You haven't lost any weight.
I control enough of the political machine to carry some weight in a crisis.
No display of emotion can have the least weight with me. You lose breath.
Put your weight in it!
You're a dead weight round my neck!
Weight: Five pounds.
Without all of that I will be dead weight.
Thanks to him. I made many acquaintances and gained weight.
It won't bear our weight.
Look at the weight on it.
Perhaps it's the weight of your purse that wearies you. I can remedy that.
Nice weight.
Miss Scarlett, if true love carries any weight with you. you can be sure your sister will be rich in that.
In other words, moral ideas have no weight with you.
Telling lies is such a heavy weight to bear.

News and current affairs

Reducing the deficit by cutting funds for education, infrastructure, and research and development is akin to trying to lose weight by cutting off three fingers.
Most of the weight will remain, and one's life prospects will have worsened significantly.
For a long time, Europe has underestimated its weight and importance.
Europe's geopolitical, economic, and social weight is quite obvious.
But neither Japan nor the European Union seems ready to pull its own weight, owing in part to decades of dependency on US security.
The economy did not stagger under the weight of ample benefits or high taxes.
Nor are there any signs of America's economic hegemony starting to fold under the weight of maintaining its unilateral military dominance.
But while such weapons carry political weight, the science behind them is mundane and old.
At the end of 1997, the second Klaus government collapsed under the weight of financial scandals.
But so, too, is the court's decision, which evidently assigned little weight to their arguments.
As a large power, China will have great weight in any circumstance, and it can reduce its self-inflicted damage by agreeing to a code of conduct.
Russia's leaders view Sino-American competition as a welcome addition to their country's strategic weight, which, unlike China's, is not being augmented by robust economic growth.
Finding a route out of it will not be easy, for no escape seems obvious: Argentina's debt is now expressed in dollars and, as in Asia in 1997, a devaluation will increase the weight of the debt.
Whatever short-term temptations it faces - to manipulate its search results, use private information, or throw its weight around - Google, it is clear, could lose a lot by succumbing to them in a world where its every move is watched.
Peter Mugyenyi, who runs the Joint Clinical Research Center, told me that part of the problem is the sheer weight of numbers.
Even if it does begin to function, the BRICS lack what gives development banks, and the World Bank in particular, legitimacy and weight: a staff composed mostly of dedicated experts who are among the world's best.
The lesson that Schroeder drew was to insist that Germany could no longer be taken for granted and would demand a role commensurate to its size and weight.
Then Merkel will be in a key position to add weight to a new effort for moving the EU forward.
As to Georgia and Russia, the disproportionate size, weight, and power on one side are enough to deter any return to violence.
States that are so regarded consistently punch above their weight - witness the Scandinavians.

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