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Branch Davidian English

Meaning Branch Davidian meaning

What does Branch Davidian mean?

Branch Davidian

A member of a religious group that originated in 1955 from a schism in the Davidians. They believed that Bible prophecies of a final divine judgment were coming to pass as a prelude to Christ's Second Coming, and were involved in a fatal siege in 1993 near Waco, Texas.

Examples Branch Davidian examples

How do I use Branch Davidian in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I cut a branch from the tree.
With this strike we're sawing off the branch we're sitting on.
We decided to branch out into selling some foodstuffs.
The large chain store created a new branch.
The boy tried to saw off the dead branch.
The company aims to branch out into China.
On July 10, we will open our Sapporo branch.
The branch began to bend as I climbed along it.
My special branch of study is sociology.
A new branch will be opened in Chicago next month.
Algebra is a branch of mathematics.
The University Administration decided to set up a branch campus in New York.
I don't have an account at that branch of Tokai Bank.
Many birds are on the branch.
The branch bent but did not break.
The branch offices of the bank are located all over Japan.
I heard you have become Branch Manager of the Sydney office.
Will you take this document to the branch?
An olive branch symbolizes peace.
That branch is affiliated to the miners' union.
I think I can reach the branch if you'll give me a boost.
He held on firmly to the branch.

Movie subtitles

I'll pass this on to the uniform branch.
I'll change my vote in your favor on the city branch, if you give me 1,000 gold Louis.
Miss Eva must keep this branch of wolfsbane in her bed.
I am opening a branch shop.
I need a representative for three months, at that branch shop.
If that supporting branch were cut away. this fallen tree would make a perfect Malay deadfall.
The olive branch!
They're carrying the olive branch.
She came bearing the olive branch.
She's no dove with an olive branch.
Downtown branch, and we're actually taking over the case.
You see I go abroad tomorrow for quite some time to our branch in Amsterdam.
I fell out of it when I was twelve. From that branch right there.
And as a branch or member of this royalty, we do salute you, Duke of Burgundy.
I'm speaking as the head of the family de la Loiselle de la Vertinier de la Courtoisie, including the branch of the Faussignac de Gascony, and I suggest that you take your hat and leave.
That's our own branch of the United States Post Office.
We're on a branch line and they've slipped the rear of the train. Oh dear!
This train's been diverted to a branch line.
The Newport branch of the United States Mint?
Branch of the Mohawk. Should we take, uh.
Yes, I, uh, find it a more exciting field of action- my branch of it.
They must be wiped out, root and branch.
A branch of flowers? - No.
They have been carefully selected to testify in this case. each representing a particular branch of American womanhood. for not only one woman is on trial here, but all women.
Every member of the family to a cadet branch of which I have the honour to belong is buried here in the family vault.
Martin, tomorrow morning. I want you to begin a detailed analysis of our West Coast branch.
A tree branch keeps poking me.
There's no tree branch!
Silly boy, that's just a branch tapping against the window, see?
We'll pay your passage to Paris, and when you arrive there you'll find a position waiting for you in our Paris branch.
I gotta branch out on my fan mail.
This is the branch line all right.
There's a branch of this road behind the houses on the left.
You're going to make me a cup of very cold camomile tea, with a few lemon juice drops, a spoonful of powder sugar, - and you'll throw in it the tiniest branch of celery.
You have a branch in St. Louis and I came to you because. Well.
There, on that branch.
He's offereing me the branch in the south.

News and current affairs

The main thrust of early conservatism was root-and-branch opposition to every form of social insurance: make the poor richer, and they would become more fertile.
For example, Qassem Suleimani, the commander of the Quds Force, a branch of the IRGC, endorsed Qalibaf, who he hoped would receive Khamenei's full support.
The judicial system has seen root and branch change.
BRUSSELS - With the final allocation of portfolios within its executive branch, the European Commission, the European Union has completed its change of guard.
For its part, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestinian branch, seeks to consolidate its control over Gaza and use it as a base from which to take control of the West Bank and the Palestinian national movement.
So he cannot be accused of harboring ultra-secularist or ultra-nationalist sympathies. This, along with his inside knowledge of the workings of the police and the prosecutorial branch, give his revelations a credibility that earlier accounts had lacked.
Extending an olive branch to Russia will have little or no voter appeal in most EU countries, and Putin's efforts to retain power de facto if not de jure after Medvedev wins his likely victory next March are certain to make matters worse.
Even more remarkable, for the first time, the executive branch in each country is poised to find parliamentary support for its governmental program.
In both countries, the President and executive branch (headed by a Prime Minister selected by the President) have basically waged war with Parliament during most of the post-Soviet era since 1991.
Then the Federal Service Bureau, formerly the KGB, celebrated the anniversary of the founding of its foreign service branch - ie, the spies - a reverie attended by a certain former employee named Putin.
Arafat never grew beyond the man who appeared at the United Nations decades ago with both an olive branch and a gun.
Like the newly independent US, the EU today lacks an empowered and effective executive branch capable of confronting the current economic crisis.
He may reemerge as the head of a newly established Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, or as a leader of a new Islamist political party under the umbrella of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
The interest and expertise of the task force was limited to one branch of psychiatry: neuropsychiatry.
But, instead of accepting China's olive branch, Koizumi implemented a more nationalistic agenda, including annual visits to the Yasukuni Shine, which is regarded as a symbol of Japanese militarism by Japan's neighbors.
The big three state-owned banks have vast branch networks and employ hundreds of thousands of people.
One traditional industry in which progress is being made is the automotive branch, where companies are pursuing digitalization.
In the US, Congress and the executive branch are locked in a stalemate.
This, along with his inside knowledge of the workings of the police and the prosecutorial branch, give his revelations a credibility that earlier accounts had lacked.
The finance minister would be a member of the EU's future executive branch, together with the other ministers responsible for other federal departments.
They have since been restarted, an olive branch sent to the Obama administration by China's government.
To ensure democratic legitimacy and satisfy national constitutional courts (not least Germany's), a second European parliament would have to be established to serve as the eurozone's legislative branch.
Indeed, Hong Kong enjoys many freedoms that the rest of China lacks, including a judiciary system that is guided by British common law and independent from the executive branch.
Back then, the illusion of costless progress prevented the root and branch reform Colombia so desperately needed.

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