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Examples Bobeck effect examples

How do I use Bobeck effect in a sentence?

Simple sentences

It has had no effect on him.
Liquor will have an effect on a person.
Pollution has a disastrous effect on the ecology of a region.
We have a saying to the effect that a good neighbor is better than a faraway relative.
The Normans' conquest of England had a great effect on the English language.
If you do that, it will only bring about a contrary effect.
The medicine had a wonderful effect on him.
The medicine seemed to have no effect on the patient.
The medicine had an immediate effect.
The effect of the medicine was amazing.
The medicine took effect.
The law is not in effect any longer.
Smoking has an ill effect upon health.
In music or speaking, a pause is frequently used for dramatic effect.
The Doppler effect is also observed with light and with radiant energy in general.
The law is still in effect.
The content of the letter had an interesting effect on my marriage.

Movie subtitles

After having the Geass cast on them, or when it's in effect, there is a noticeable gap in memory.
Over time, the effect was to raise productivity, incomes, nutrition and even height.
And, of course, the answer for Venus, sadly, is that some greenhouse effect, global warming, has overtaken Venus.
With an atmosphere of water vapour and carbon dioxide, this cycle kept going and going and the runaway greenhouse effect has left Venus dry, lifeless, and a scorching 480 degrees Celsius.
However, if you can't get into power, you can't effect any change.
I feel these are reasonable requests that will little to no effect on your bottom line.
Her life with the unloved husband in the house of pastor Talnoks and the weird arrival of a stranger to their home the strange effect of his words and his music and the excitement that threw her in the pastor's arms.
This will have a bad effect on public opinion, Inspector.
The effect of the drugs will die with him.
I wonder what causes that peculiar effect.
Say, Jim must have had a terrific effect on you.
Second, the effect of scandal on your son.
But I beg you to remember, if you have no regard for me the effect on Sergei, our son.
Moral effect on the children.
Well, I remind you of the Doppler effect that everybody knows from a passing police car or ambulance.
The effect of my powers is limited to the ones you call The Blessed, but I conduct multiple telepathic transmissions simultaneously.
You mean his Accelerator is having no effect?
There the gold had an effect!
Hmm, I think they'll have some more effect this afternoon.
Have you any idea of the effect you have on them?
Although we have been seeing strictly wire effects here, Sherriff and Whale mix it with intriguing travelling-matte work you've just seen, for the cigarette lighter, the handling of the cigarette and smoking effect.
The effect seems to be to promise to show something. that's never quite shown.
After all, have you not an English proverb to the effect that possession is nine-tenths of the law?
All we have to discover is what brought about the obsession in order to effect mental release.
Yes. Then there is no point in trying to effect the arrest of this gentleman.
Unless it's because of the effect that Duvalle has on me.
In presenting this film today, it may not seem to have the same tragic effect as it had at the time.
Upon going through his papers, a sensational will for this eccentric man was found to the effect that the person in whose arms he would happen to die was to become the sole heir to his enormous fortune.
You know, every once in a while, the effect Horace has on people surprises me.
Do you suppose that's on the level, or just for the effect on the visiting firemen?
Give us a statement on the election then. -What effect will this have on the voters?
I have the feeling your performance tonight will give the effect of sleepwalking.
Only to get a sense of the general effect.
I'm an actress, not just a sound effect.
I imagine that dress is supposed to have a chilling effect.
It took a bit longer than I thought, I wonder if the effect was worth it.
It won't have any effect on me.
I'd like you to note that your little potion. has no effect on us.
Imagine the effect of such imprisonment on Jacqueline.

News and current affairs

They would thus have little effect on the longer-term rates that really drive business investment.
The country is in effect announcing that it is moving toward democratic institutional arrangements.
While none of these shocks appears to have been severe enough to have derailed the current global recovery, the combined effect is worrisome, especially in a still-weakened post-crisis world.
To put that number in perspective, it is about twice the total effect of the Kyoto Protocol on carbon emissions in the rest of the world, including the European Union.
Although it may be difficult to connect the dots, it is perfectly possible that a huge euro crisis could have a snowball effect in the US and elsewhere.
Monarchy has an infantilizing effect.
Obviously, the US cannot remove this uncertainty without robbing the sabre-rattling of its beneficial effect.
The US will then face not only the direct effects of a fiscal drag, but also its indirect effect on private spending.
Similarly, the gravity of weaker growth will most likely overcome the levitational effect on equity prices from more quantitative easing, particularly given that equity valuations today are not as depressed as they were in 2009 or 2010.
Indeed, growth in earnings and profits is now running out of steam, as the effect of weak demand on top-line revenues takes a toll on bottom-line margins and profitability.
In effect, the political system would again be kicking the can down the road, with real progress on necessary fiscal reforms expected only after the November 2012 presidential election.
As the emotions in Washington today suggest, the aversion to tax increases runs far deeper than concern about their effect on current economic performance and job growth.
That means that every dollar of war spending has in effect been borrowed.
Patient depositors no longer need to worry about others withdrawing their funds because it has no effect on them.
But their main effect may be an erosion of reasoned debate and civil conduct, without which democracy is powerless against the forces of polarization and extremism.
But the initiative is unlikely to have much effect.
It is time to put this principle into effect before many more innocent lives are lost.
In early August, the domino effect of the eurozone periphery's sovereign-debt crisis started to kick in, because financial markets do not wait for country after country to be downgraded.
An even more mysterious effect occurs on Earth with living creatures.
Vice President Richard Cheney was in effect lead conductor of the group when he served as Chairman of Halliburton, the world's largest oil services company.

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