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Billie Holiday

Examples Billie Holiday examples

How do I use Billie Holiday in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Easter is the most important Christian holiday.
We're here on holiday.
They were arguing about where to go on holiday.
They spent their holiday in the mountains.
When you're beginning to look like the photo in your passport, you should go on a holiday.
You are in need of a holiday.
I enjoyed the holiday all the better for being with you.
Did you enjoy your holiday?
While we were on holiday, a neighbor took care of our cat.
Can you extend your holiday by a few days?
You've worked hard for months and have certainly earned a holiday.
It will do you good to have a holiday.
The holiday ended all too soon.
My wife and I agreed on a holiday plan.
Too long a holiday makes one reluctant to start work again.
Students have a holiday on Foundation Day.
We spent our holiday exploring rural France.
We are all impatient for our holiday.
How soon the summer holiday is over.

Movie subtitles

A right busman's holiday.
She arrived back from a holiday up north from the family bach.
Uh, mum and dad are flying back from a holiday in the UK in time to shove a roast in the oven. You?
Actually, I will be enjoying my holiday with my people at the big parade in Boystown.
We're on holiday, remember?
Suzette, we're going to take a holiday soon.
I've seen too many hardened arteries dragged out to make a first-night holiday.
A pretty holiday you'll have.
No one has to tell me you've found a playmate for this rustic holiday of yours, it's in your face.
That was the first holiday I ever had.
A holiday.
So that you can go on the holiday?
What a holiday they'd have if they knew A.P. Kirby was in the drunk tank.
It's Id al-Adha, an important Muslim holiday.
Arabella dear, have a nice holiday in England.
A few days holiday. And a short visit with my beloved Peggotty's in Yarmouth.
Have a good holiday.
But I was returning from a holiday in France about five years ago.
Tomorrow's a holiday, the banks will be closed.
A bank holiday?
You're making me jealous. Oh Alan, this holiday has been so glorious.
I'd like to plan the end of our holiday.
That's. that's just lads on holiday, innit?
They might wonder why four grown men went on holiday together, saying they were going to Spain and actually ending up in Morocco.
They can't just shoot four blokes who just happened to go on holiday together.
We're just only here to give Fanny a holiday.
It's a Roman holiday for every editor in New York.
I am about to take a holiday.
My holiday is just caprice.
My holiday begins most agreeably.
His Majesty, Death, amusing himself on a holiday.
My holiday is over.
My master is in need of a quiet and peaceful holiday. I see.

News and current affairs

That holiday from serious politics may be over for good.
People in their twenties could borrow money to buy a house, start a family, and go on holiday, paying the money back when they are in their fifties and would much rather stay at home and enjoy their grandchildren.
Tourists complained that the summer holiday they had planned on a Greek island was now in the midst of a refugee camp.
Black Friday in the United States traditionally is the day after Thanksgiving that signals the start of the holiday season sale.
In Europe, black Saturday falls in the last weekend of July, when the French and other Europeans set off in droves for their Mediterranean holiday destinations, and highways get jammed with traffic.
But, as world opinion awakens from its holiday slumber, it is likely to turn against Israel.
Large numbers of people contribute to a holiday atmosphere and attract entertainment and sports industries.
Whether one calls it that or a desire for a holiday from history, Japan and the UK today seem to be choosing a path that will only accelerate decline.
Think about it: Christmas is the main Catholic holiday, but we put more emphasis on the miraculous Resurrection of Christ at Easter.
The amount of marble used for renovation seemed excessive, and the understanding of what constitutes luxury appeared to correspond to the standards of a Holiday Inn.
For many of them, life seems to become an almost permanent holiday.
The impression of a generation on permanent holiday is deceptive in another respect.
The taboo against incest runs deep, as the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt demonstrated when he told experimental subjects about Julie and Mark, adult siblings who take a holiday together and decide to have sex, just to see what it would be like.
Last July, on another national holiday, they hit three tourist spots not far from the Mubarak family compound in Sharm el-Sheikh.
PARIS - Bastille Day, the French national holiday, was glorious this year.
Before the digital revolution, young people met those from other countries and cultures in relatively restricted circumstances, such as on a holiday abroad or a school exchange program.
When we observe them, they appear to lumber along like holiday shoppers in a crowded store.
But, while all of that holiday feasting may have led to greater girth, how should we understand what higher or lower body weight means?
PRINCETON - This Christmas, like every Christmas, thousands of pilgrims and tourists will travel to the Middle East to celebrate the holiday in the land of the Bible.
At a time when the Middle East is aflame with sectarian strife, the observance of the Christian holiday is a sad reminder that the region's distinctive religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity is rapidly disappearing.
The day after Christmas was a public holiday with cold turkey and ham to sustain us.
But in most countries today, even those with few Christian citizens, the festival offers the chance for a holiday and a binge.
On Amnesty Day - not a state holiday, to be sure - we would reveal to our loved ones, constituents, or employers the secrets that we think put us at risk.