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Bill Sherwood

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News and current affairs

His bill also contains an important provision aimed at encouraging open-source research, which would move the current research model away from secrecy toward sharing.
This spring, the WHO released a report that recommends solutions similar to those proposed in the US Senate bill, but on a global level.
For America, the Sanders bill marks important progress.
So, instead of retiring gracefully, as presidents from Bill Clinton to Boris Yeltsin routinely do, Kuchma wants to change the constitution in order to become an all-powerful prime minister who will never face a limit on the length of his term.
Using some of it to pay the real interest on the debt and saving the rest would mean that when the bill comes due, the tax-financed reserves generated by the healthier economy would be more than enough to pay off the additional national debt.
Unfortunately, the DPJ scrapped an LDP-sponsored civil-service reform bill, which would have allowed the DPJ to replace mandarins with an army of political appointees.
With Senators Patrick Leahy and Chuck Grassley, Kaufman worked last year to pass a bill providing timely resources to federal law enforcement agencies working on recent financial fraud.
Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and even George W. Bush and their supporters created the current system, in which tax rates and eligibility thresholds are not punitive disincentives to enterprise.
These include a hateful bill - which the House of Representatives has already approved - that provides for the construction of a wall along the US-Mexican border and makes unauthorized entry into the US a felony.
Bush must begin to use what political capital he has left to support enlightened immigration reform, along the lines of the Kennedy-McCain bill.
Others remember Rwanda, where President Bill Clinton later expressed regret for not acting to save innocent lives.
People like Bill Gates and Kofi Annan will make the case that immunization programs deserve adequate funding and political support.
In that case, Obama would be wise to move to the center (as Bill Clinton did after the Democrats lost control of Congress in 1994) and work with congressional Republicans to shape sensible tax and entitlement reforms.
The Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill, which is about to pass the US Senate, does something similar - and long overdue - for banking.
Contrary to popular perception, the public-sector wage bill is only of marginal importance.
Let us start with some simple aeronautic dynamics, using an analogy that my PIMCO colleague, Bill Gross, came up with to describe the economic risks facing the American economy.
Attacks on immigrants went into high gear in February, when the US Congress passed a bill that will make it illegal for any state to issue driver's licenses to undocumented workers.
Bill Clinton continued those cuts in the 1990's.
The switchover, however, would more than double the electricity bill in this example.
Ever since President Bill Clinton's visit to India, but especially under President George W. Bush, the US has moved from relative indifference to India to the development of a strong strategic relationship.
Still, it should surprise no one that Russia lobbied hard for the Yekaterinburg BRIC summit, and footed the bill for much of it as well.
Now, however, a new form of antitrust arrives - in the form of the Kanjorski Amendment, whose language was embedded in the Dodd-Frank bill.
Recipient countries would have to pay the IMF a very low interest rate: the composite average treasury bill rate of all convertible currencies.
Bill Clinton continued those cuts in the 1990's. Today, no politician even dares to mention help for poor people.