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Examples Beranger balance examples

How do I use Beranger balance in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Tom wants to achieve a better work-life balance.
Tom's life trembles in the balance.
The French government has launched an online game that challenges taxpayers to balance the national budget.
We should strike a balance between our expenditure and income.
You can weigh your baggage in this balance.
The nation's trade balance improved last year as exports were strong, while imports remained steady.
Could you tell me my balance?
The balance of nature is very fragile.
It is said that this hot water brings a balance between body and mind.
He lost his balance and fell off his bicycle.
He lost his balance and fell down.
He lost his balance and fell off the ladder.
It's difficult to balance a ball on your nose.
It is hard to keep our balance on icy streets.
The boat was off balance because it was overloaded.
I lost my balance on the muddy road.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
Losing his balance from a sudden gust of wind, the tightrope walker fell to his death.
Can you tell me the balance on my account?
How can we achieve a balance between work and personal life?
It's hard to balance study with work.

Movie subtitles

They help the children learn to balance, don't they?
It means me trying to stay one step ahead, trying to work out how she's going to balance on a potty, how she's ever going to pull her knickers up and down or how she's going to manage the stairs or hold a pen.
He has to have a sense of balance, you know.
Balance, perfect.
I'll give you part of it in cash tonight and the balance in 30 days.
Well, I've saved about 1 0.. andCharlieMeadowspromisesto let me have the balance on mortgage.
Nice balance.
I can't balance the temperature and humidity.
They'll give you half when you leave for Reno. and the balance at the end of six weeks. Name your own price.
Reason, simple and pure was the weight against which human problems were held in balance.
The right wing press should stop attacking the left wing press to achieve a balance, to throw them off the scent.
And then we pumped a dozen fish into the balance of the convoy and then we beat it.
During the period in which your reasoning processes give way to self-hypnosis, the glands which govern your metabolism get out of control, like a steam engine without a balance wheel.
This is the first time I've ever seen you off balance.
You get the balance after the game.
And sell him the balance. And go out of business. I wouldn't mind so much if it was someone else.
Now, if you'll send a man over here, I'd be only too glad to pay off the balance.
When the check clears, we'll turn over the balance.
Well, I'll give you part of it in cash tonight and the balance in 30 days. I see.
The proper balance. You're a juggler.
It doesn't balance.
You can't learn to skate without taking a spill or two. - You've got pretty good balance. - I should have.
You could balance what you earned and look the world in the eye and maybe even get ahead a little.
Unfortunate, Doctor, that you had to pick. this particular moment in which to lose your balance.
I've no sense of balance, none whatever.
No sense of balance.
Difficulty maintaining your balance when you stand upright?
It's a delicate balance between the supernatural part of her life and the normal part of being a teenage girl.
It changes the balance of power!
Why, I thought it was similar to a balance sheet, but not exactly.
They'll give you half when you leave for Reno. and the balance at the end of six weeks.
You know those moments when the light is very clear, When the scales at last swing Into perfect balance.
I'll upset your balance.
The cash balance is 37,83 dollars.
And the balance, say, the middle of next week?
What is the balance of advantage and disadvantage?
Your balance has got to be letter-perfect.
I think that God must be in charge of such things. - The balance.
It's a balance. Nothing can happen anymore.
What good is it to have one of the great bankers of the world for an uncle. when he can't even balance my books?

News and current affairs

Now, with household debt sustained on a knife-edge after feverish government intervention, the fiscal position has deteriorated dramatically and the current-account balance has worsened again.
The good news is that, following President Hu Jintao's recent visit to Washington, both America and China have been taking positive steps to resolve their differences over the bilateral current-account balance.
Ten of 21 branches of Dutch agribusiness, including horticultural seeds, ornamentals, seed potatoes, and veal, are among the top contributors to the national economy and the country's trade balance.
For a very low cash outlay - and perhaps none at all on balance - we could conserve nature and thus protect the basis of our own lives and livelihoods.
In principle, an independent and respected advisory council could also force governments to acknowledge the hidden costs of government guarantees and off-balance sheet debts.
The Europeans could have tipped the balance decisively in favor of the reformers by finally rewarding the efforts of the pro-EU Turks at last December's summit of EU leaders.
This shift in Turkey's strategic role may also be reflected in a new domestic balance between the military and the forces pushing for reform.
Nations also put Europe's constitutional balance out of kilter.
America's zombie consumers need to repair their damaged balance sheets, and US workers need to align new skills with new jobs.
Yet, in the aftermath of a balance-sheet recession in the US, and in the midst of a debt trap in Europe, that approach is doomed to failure.
History cannot be put on hold as Europe sorts out its internal balance of power.
Moreover, devaluation will impose heavy burdens on China, for example, it will certainly increase the cost of servicing China's debts and may also worsen the overall balance of payment.
For Chinese policy makers, today's market pressures are not high enough to force them to take action, as China still enjoys a decent surplus in its balance of payments, both on current account and capital account.
It sees competition as the most effective means to promote economic growth, but also embraces state interference, when necessary, to secure equality of opportunity, social solidarity, and social balance.
Most economic research suggests that gold prices are very difficult to predict over the short to medium term, with the odds of gains and losses being roughly in balance.
Once he knows of it, the decision is his to make, because only he can judge the importance of his journey, and balance that against the risk he is running.
COPENHAGEN - Striking the right balance between preventing global warming and adapting to its effects is one of the most important - and most vexing - policy questions of our age.
Instead, the EU's structure now demands not only a new consensus about Europe's role in the world, but also new means to achieve consensus. History cannot be put on hold as Europe sorts out its internal balance of power.
Externally, major trading partners and holders of advanced-country assets can support rebalancing by agreeing to avoid sudden and potentially destabilizing shifts in the composition of their balance sheets.

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