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Barnaby instrument

Examples Barnaby instrument examples

How do I use Barnaby instrument in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Can you play an instrument?
Do you play a musical instrument?
The thermometer is an instrument for measuring temperature.
Language is an indispensable instrument of human society.
The trumpet is a musical instrument.
No matter which musical instrument you want to learn to play, the most important thing is not to make any mistakes from the beginning on, because mistakes are always imprinted on your mind more easily than everything you do right.
I think style and genre are less important factors in making us like music than the individual artist's skills in arrangement and playing of the instrument.
No instrument is snootier than the piccolo trumpet.
Modern harps have a series of pedals that enable the performer to tune the instrument to any diatonic scale.
You can play a musical instrument, can't you?
Is the zither a hard instrument to learn?
Mary's post-operative abdominal pain was caused by the surgeon leaving a surgical instrument inside her.
Grit in a sensitive instrument, or a crack in one of his own high-power lenses, would not be more disturbing than a strong emotion in a nature such as his.
You play a musical instrument, don't you?
Theremin: The world's first electronic musical instrument, made by Russian physicist Lev Sergeivitch Termen in 1920.
My favorite music instrument is the flute.
What instrument does Tom play?
The syringe is the instrument most commonly used to administer insulin.

Movie subtitles

The type of instrument used?
Never. That's where. Santa isn't mentioned in the Bible because he is the Devil's instrument designed to make people buy things with money that they don't have!
The imaging-instrument, linked to a clockwork.
Use my brain, my will, for an instrument as he has used them, but for release.
As if he were the instrument of some supernatural power.
Now, let's have a brass instrument, the trumpet.
Now, how about a low instrument, the bassoon?
Our instrument here is one of the best in the country.
There's a very fair instrument in the housekeeper's room, you'll disturb no one there.
Emmett there picked up the surveying instrument and broke it on a rock.
Sure, right through the instrument board.
Trust your instrument board.
His skull was crushed by heavy blows with a sharp instrument.
Cause of death: heavy blows from sharp instrument.
We had to know exactly in which direction the instrument would be pointing.
Haha, b. but I'm the humble instrument that is humbly serving him.
This, Watson, is a South American bolas, the instrument that killed Lloyd Brandon.
Bruise on left temple, blunt instrument.
The murderer knocked him back on the pillow with a blunt instrument.
Other phone? That charming little instrument is not an extension?
All right. Now, how about a low instrument, the bassoon?
I wouldn't face the fact that I can make myself the instrument. of all the pitiable, oppressed, suffering people of the world!
Couldn't you turn to him as an instrument of death?
Law became, for the first time the instrument of pure logic with each man's rights and responsibilities considered from the viewpoint of the possible and reasonable rather than the.
I know, I know. Hit 'em on the head with a blunt instrument.
Musgrave was killed by a sharp instrument thrusted between the base of the skull and the top vertebra.
He confuses himself by playing music.. On a.. miserable little instrument. He throws.. if you will pardon me..
A sharp instrument, either a knife or a razor.
They say you gotta watch those little things and keep your eyes on the instrument.
Hit 'em on the head with a blunt instrument.
Moving to our right, we have a model of the famous rack. the instrument of torture upon which prisoners were stretched. their limbs being frequently torn from their sockets. in an effort to extract a confession from them, true or false.
Will you stop that infernal instrument!
That's a beautiful instrument.
Call on our Miss Sash Weight of the blunt instrument department.
Well, it's a very handsome instrument.
That's what they call a blow with a blunt instrument.

News and current affairs

Explicit industrial policies can be an even more potent instrument.
No single instrument will work everywhere.
Just when the world reached a consensus that Ahmadinejad was merely an instrument of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, Ahmadinejad appointed a Vice-President against Khamenei's wishes (though he later retracted the appointment).
Europe is generally considered more a constraint than as a plan, more as an instrument than a vision nourished by a clear and credible idea.
Directing credit in order to increase supply of goods need not be inflationary; on the contrary, the increased supply of domestically produced goods may be an effective instrument for combating inflation.
For years, the view has been that the IMF is a foreign-policy instrument of the United States.
Others, like the Bank of England (BoE), have full instrument independence - control over short-term interest rates - but must meet an inflation target set by the government.
For our industry to remain an instrument of progress, we must therefore work closely with our peers from other industries and government in three major areas: safety, the environment, and affordability.
In a representative democracy, elections are the ultimate instrument for holding politicians accountable.
Unfortunately, this instrument is unavailable at the EU level, or at least it is seriously deficient.
The RRR is only one example of a textbook sterilization instrument.
We can now see the utility of a more flexible toolkit to respond to excessive credit expansion, or asset-price bubbles, where the manipulation of short-term interest rates can be a blunt instrument or, worse, a double-edged sword.
Economic interests are supplanting ideology as the motor of politics, and money serves as the key instrument in elections.
The legality of Goldman Sachs' behavior will be determined by a court of law, but CDSs' odious reputation is jeopardizing the survival of this instrument in the court of public opinion.
Not many Africans, even among those who are knowledgeable in world affairs, had ever heard of Radio Milles Collines, the most blatant instrument of the Rwandan genocide.
A Conference on Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean and the Middle East (CSCM) could quickly become a useful instrument for promoting this comprehensive approach to security and development.
Yet this entente could serve as an important strategic instrument to deter China's rising power from sliding into arrogance.
The second type of instrument is emergency funding to deal with unforeseen events, such as natural disasters, market breakdowns, and political instability.
But democracy is not the only instrument for a transformation that addresses the roots of terrorism.
There is little doubt that the SCO is an instrument for Russia and China to make the case for a multi-polar world based on regional security blocs that counterbalance American strategic hegemony.
Far from being the spawn of the devil, CDSs are a useful financial instrument that can improve not only financial stability, but also the way that companies and countries are run.
Had more attention been given to the country's most glaring inequalities in access to water, shelter, or jobs, this population might not have chosen violence as an instrument of change.