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Ames room English

Meaning Ames room meaning

What does Ames room mean?

Ames room

A distorted room designed to be viewed through a pinhole, using a trick of perspective to create an optical illusion so that people standing in opposite corners appear to be of very different sizes.

Examples Ames room examples

How do I use Ames room in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Wait in the waiting room.
You must keep your room clean.
Tom awoke to find himself in a strange room.
The room is at the end of the hall.
The room was bathed in sunshine.
There was almost nothing in the room.
The machine takes a lot of room.
John was standing alone in the room with his arms folded.
Mr Johnson's was a large room.
This room is pleasant to work in.
This room is large enough.
If you don't have anything to do, look at the ceiling of your room.
Where's the waiting room?
There was a feeling of constraint in the room; no one dared to tell the king how foolish his decision was.
When I was a child, I would spend hours reading alone in my room.
I've rented a room in Paris for a month.
Do you have a room of your own?
You are not to leave this room.
Your room is twice the size of mine.
Your room must always be kept clean.
The only room available is a double.

News and current affairs

Debt crises tend to come out of the blue, hitting countries whose debt trajectories simply have no room for error or unplanned adversity.
Some countries, like Germany, have room for fiscal maneuver.
If Europe - particularly the European Central Bank - were to borrow, and re-lend the proceeds, the costs of servicing Europe's debt would fall, creating room for the kinds of expenditure that would promote growth and employment.
Though the US had disproportionate economic clout, its room for political and military maneuver was constrained by Soviet power.
As the American scholar and activist Hussein Ibish recently argued, Obama has appointed a cabinet designed to give him maximum room to negotiate a deal with Iran.
Children in poor American households today not only watch more TV than children in wealthy households, but are also more likely to have a television in their room.
But even when people do not work together, globalization, by bringing the world to everyone's living room (or hut), enables them to make much wider comparisons of their living standards.
Midway through her remarks, she began speaking not to the Syrian ambassador, who was in the room, or even the Syrian government, but directly to the Syrian people.
Of course, moderates on both sides would prefer as much land and room to maneuver as possible, but they prefer a negotiated compromise aimed at ending the violence.
A variety of studies confirming this proposition, including one by the IMF's chief economist, Olivier Blanchard, have withstood considerable scrutiny and leave little room for ambiguity.
The Commission's stance, in particular, is animated by an institutional commitment to a fiscal viewpoint that leaves no room for evidence.
That said, there is clearly room for allowing more heterodox thinking.
After all, in foreign policy matters, the next president's room for maneuver will be very small.
Where, in a purely deductive argument, was there room for nature's surprises, for mechanisms that look nothing like what we imagine in our initial assumptions?
While this fact alone will not quiet opponents of immigration, it does give countries more breathing room to repair and strengthen badly broken systems for receiving and integrating newcomers.
America will soon try to appoint an Iraqi regime that will aim to cancel many of Saddam's oil contracts with France, Russia, and China, in order to make room for US and UK firms.
But neither candidate acknowledges the much bigger elephant in the room.
By the time the next presidential term starts in January 2013, and contrary to the current narratives advanced by the Obama and Romney campaigns, the incumbent will find himself with limited room for maneuver on economic policy.
Here again - in areas like housing, the labor market, credit intermediation, and infrastructure - there is less room for maneuver than most politicians would like us to believe.
It is startling to see him walk into a New York living room: his demeanor is quiet and dignified.
The West had better hope that the Iranian narrative proves true, because the political space for any meaningful diplomatic agreement - both the desire for a deal and the room to achieve it - is created at home.
Most damaging of all, a purely strategic justification for military action - in defense of core US interests - leaves no room to do what actually needs to be done in Syria.
The travelers who can find no room at the inn.
Despite being isolated and ostracized, Iran has managed to gain some strategic breathing room with the help of countries like China, Russia, India, Syria, and Venezuela, allowing it to resist Western pressure.
Moreover, a world map showed outreach to rural areas of East Africa and Southeast Asia, and the room has been upgraded to reflect a still-expanding global reach.

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