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Examples Ableton Live examples

How do I use Ableton Live in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I learned to live without her.
I can't live without a TV.
Cows live on grass.
Generally speaking, women live longer than men by almost ten years.
A hideous monster used to live there.
Giant pandas live only in China.
By the way, where do you live?
How many people live in your town?
Few people live to be ninety years old.
I can't live without you.
I live miles away from the nearest station.
We must have something to live for.
I can't live that kind of life.
Humans were never meant to live forever.
We must learn to live together as brothers, or we will perish together as fools.
It is not rare at all to live over ninety years.
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
I can't live without TV.
You don't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person whom you cannot live without.
I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach.
Life begins when you're ready to live it.
To share one's passion is to live it fully.
Not material, but spiritual things determine our live.
I can't live this way anymore.

Movie subtitles

Do you live here?
No, it's not mine. We just live in the basement for rent.
What a weird person I meet as I live. Ugh, disgusting.
It's not like it was hard to live or even starve to death.
But how'd he know where I live?
People live in poverty, But I hope she's living well!
How long did the doctor say I have to live?
It's going live to the entire world!
By 1 5th-century standards, Nanjing was a pretty pleasant place to live.
And the life we live Is primitive and proud!
Aliens we contact will at least have learned to live with themselves peacefully.
How did you live in this kind of town?
If I succeed, as if nothing happened. will you let me live in the heavens?
Please let me live.
You won't live long if you keep this up.
Live happily and prosper.
The prophet said that in order to live a peaceful live, we have to mind our own business.
Christians and Muslims cannot live together unless one dominates the other.
We're not made to live this way. You'll find someone else to lease the farm.
We live separately here.
Go see how they live on the Mitidja!
I'd like them to live here. Why?
It's easy to be pro-Arab when you live in Paris.
Go back to your people and live peacefully.
This is what I live for.
I want to live the rest of my life freely with you. Seong Ran. I love you.
I'm going to live continuously by your side.
How did you live in this kind of town? But then, it's a good thing you didn't meet that Young Master last time.
My mind and body will live the way of the sword.
The lovers were banished to live apart forever.
You think it'll live?
I want to live it.
I live for perks.
I live across the hall from the guys.
And we live with a pig.

News and current affairs

We live in an age of simultaneous fear of inflation and deflation; of unprecedented prosperity amid growing inequality; and of technological advancement and resource depletion.
On the contrary, expansion takes away the worries - be they real or imagined - that surround the situation of the large Russian-speaking populations that now live outside of Russia but within the borders of the former Soviet Union.
But the Greek Cypriots voted against the plan because their leaders did not live up to the implicit deal with the EU to support it.
First, they should say clearly to their own voters that the EU must live up to its promises to Turkey, and that this is in the larger interest of all Europeans.
Now that the worst has, indeed, proven true, Ethiopia and all of East Africa will need to learn to live without the stabilizing influence of its great dictator-diplomat.
Such campaigns go hand-in-hand with expanded farming, because sellers of these foods prefer nearby growers - even if these growers increasingly live in the city.
Our people will be unable to live on thousands of acres of contaminated earth for hundreds of years.
Millions are sick and poor; many live at starvation levels.
Sometimes, when there is electricity, I watch television and see how people live in other places.
Romania will have to decide whether or not it actually wants to have a past before its people can begin to confront and live with theirs.
Far from being willing to coerce people to live in a certain way, German conservatives seek a politics that recognizes limits - the limits of the state, the market, and the individual.
Around three-fourths of these people live in Africa.
Most people can live without one kidney.
No one can live without food.
The data show, intriguingly, that those who show levels of trust well below the average for the country they live in are likely to have lower incomes.
Foreign borrowing can enable consumers and governments to live beyond their means for a while, but reliance on foreign capital is an unwise strategy.
Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on earth, and one of the poorest - 1.5 million of us live on a patch of land about 41 kilometers long and 6-12 kilometers wide.
For governments and international organizations, as with individuals, moral failure is easier to live with if we can pretend that it never happened.
But most Afghans live in remote villages - those in Badakhshan can be reached only after a day's bumpy ride on a donkey.

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