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Examples winged citron examples

How do I use winged citron in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Tenhle citron není zralý.
This lemon isn't ripe.

Movie subtitles

Nádherný citron!
This lemon is just great!
Tomuhle říkáte citron?
This ain't no lemon, this is a lemonette.
jsem spíš citron.
I suppose I'm a lemon.
Čtyři druhy rumu, brandy, grenadina, citron, papaya, kachní bílek, a to všechno dohromady.
Four kinds of rum, brandy, grenadine, lime juice, papaya juice and the white of one duck egg. Only 12 to a customer.
Citron je lepší.
Lemon, that's different.
Mléko nebo citron?
Milk or lemon?
Zatáhne ho do bryndy, nechá ho vykrvácet a pak ho vyždímá jako citron.
Trap him into some situation. Bleed him till he's white, squeeze him till he's dry.
Přece by jsi nechtěl člověka vymačkat jako citron?
You sure squeeze a man into laying it on the line, don't you?
Citron, prosím, a dvě lžičky cukru.
Lemon please, and 2 spoons of sugar..
Major McCarthy, major Citron, major Cantor, velitel Byers, velitel Connell, velitel Douglas, velitel Wolfe, major Booth a major Rice.
Maj. McCarthy, Maj. Citron, Maj. Cantor, Capt. Byers. Capt. Connell, Capt. Douglas, Capt. Wolfe. Maj. Booth, and Maj. Rice.
Mléko nebo citron?
Cream or lemon?
Smetanu nebo citron?
Oh. Cream or lemon?

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