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Waldemar Czech

Inflection Waldemar inflection

How do you inflect Waldemar in Czech?

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Waldemar von Droste Schattenburg.
Waldemar Von Droste-Schattenburg.
Před dvěma sty lety, Cosmo Waldemar tvrdil, že tento dům je jeho, a že mu ho moji předci ukradli.
Cosmo Waldemar claimed that this house was really his and that my ancestors had stolen it from him.
Legenda ve skutečnosti zní. že Cosmo Waldemar získá znovu lidskou podobu, jestliže jej v truhle nevystřídá majitel domu, ale potomek muže, který ho zabil.
You see, what the legend really says is that Cosmo Waldemar will resume human shape again when he's replaced in his coffin. Not by the owner of the house, but by a descendant of the man, who killed him.
Podporučík Morawiec Waldemar ze školy ve Štětíně.
Officer Morawiec from the Police Academy.
Waldemar Wyczchuk, jedl jsi s ním humra čtrnáctýho v Atlantic City.
Waldemar Wyczchuk, you had lobster fra diavolo with him in Atlantic City, on the 14th of this month.
To je Waldemar Matuška.
That's Edward James Olmos.
Pedro Waldemar Manfredini.
Pedro Waldemar Manfredini.
Taxi na Waldemar Thrane Street 63A. Díky.
Taxi to Waldemar Thrane Street 63A.
Zůstala jenom hluchá ze 17ky co odhazuje sníh, no a syn Kuklinského, Waldemar, ale on vždycky dlouho spí.
The only ones left are the deaf old lady at No.17 who clears the snow, and Kuklinski's son, Waldemar, but he sleeps usually late.
Oba synové plukovníka Kuklinského, Bogdan a Waldemar, zemřeli v 90tých letech, dodnes za nevyjasněných okolností.
Both his sons Bogdon and Waldemar died in the 90's under suspicious circumstances.
Waldemar de Brito, ten skaut?
Waldemar de brito, the scouts?
To je pan Waldemar de Brito.
This is Mr. waldemar de brito.

Waldemar English

Translation Waldemar in Czech

How do you say Waldemar in Czech?

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