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Examples upc examples

How do I use upc in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Oh, to volali z UPC.
Oh, it's that cable TV company.
Mám UPC.
I got TiVo.
Co je UPC?
What's TiVo?
Plné taťků - i těch, co vás brali na fotbal. proto, že vás často třískali a šukali sousedku a šukali sousedovic psa. A kdo , možná šukali i chlápka od UPC.
Full of dads - even the ones that took you to the ballgame - just for beating the shit out of you once too often and fucking the neighbor lady and fucking the neighbor dog, and who knows, maybe even fucking the UPS man.
Chlap z UPC, Rob Rockemoor, mi říkal, že byl u nich kvůli rekonstrukci třikrát.
My UPS guy, Rob Rockemoor, he told me that they've renovated the inside of their house like three times.
Kdyby existovala fronta na stížnosti pro zákazníky KdF, byla by delší než ta pro zákazníky UPC.
If there'd been a KdF customer complaints line, it would have had a longer queue than Virgin Broadband's.