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trinity Czech

Examples trinity examples

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Jeden chlapík se usadil v Trinity Forks když starý Johnny Brian ještě stloukal jeho srub.
One fella settled at Trinity Forks when old Johnny Brian was still chinking at his log house.
Nádraží Trinity.
Trinity Station.
Medici z Trinity.
Medical students of the Trinity.
Vy uvidíte Trinity Church, postavený v 1877. navržený Henrym Hobson Richardsonem.
You will see Trinity Church, founded in 1877. designed by Henry Hobson Richardson.
Víte, co se děje v Anglickém kanálu, bójky Trinity house jsou většinou ignorovány.
You know what happens in the English Channel, Trinity House marker buoys are ignored half the time.
Studuju na Trinity a rodiče jsou v Greenwichi.
I go to Trinity. My folks live in Greenwich.
Bydlím v Trinity.
My rooms are in Trinity.
Bobe, vítej v Trinity.
Sam. - Bob, welcome to Trinity.
Právě jsem mluvil s Oscarem Hubertem, katolickým knězem z Holy Trinity Church.
I just talked to Father Oscar Hubert of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church.
Studoval v Trinity.
He was educated at Trinity.
Vítejte v institutu Shasta Trinity.
Welcome to Shasta Trinity Institute.
On nechodil do Trinity School?
He doesn't go to the Trinity School?
Trinity - místo, kde byla 16.7.1945 odpálena první atomová bomba.
Trinity,insteadof exploding first nuclear bomb in the world July16,1945.
Svojí silou 20 kilotun, podobně jako Trinity, bude tato zbraň vzorem pro budoucí atomové zbraně.
With a yield of 20 kilotons, similar to that of Trinity, this weapon will be considered as a normal bomb, and serve as a model for future nuclear weapons.

trinity English

Translation trinity in Czech

How do you say trinity in Czech?

trinity English » Czech

trojice nejsvětější trojice tři

Trinity English » Czech

trojice Nejsvětější Trojice

Examples trinity in Czech examples

How do I translate trinity into Czech?

Movie subtitles

The D'Ascoynes always go to Trinity.
Tam chodí všichni Ascoyneové.
They are rushing them toward the Trinity.
Spěchají, aby překročili řeku.
One fella settled at Trinity Forks when old Johnny Brian was still chinking at his log house.
Jeden chlapík se usadil v Trinity Forks když starý Johnny Brian ještě stloukal jeho srub.
Trinity Station.
Nádraží Trinity.
We were all informants. OutIaws, police and the Mafia - they were an unholy trinity.
Psanci, policie, mafie, to byla trojice.
Down with the Holy trinity!
Pryč se svatou trojicí!
Long live the Holy trinity!
Věčný život svaté trojci!
Why did we leave the Trinity Monastery?
Proč jsme odešli z kláštera Nejsvětější trojice?
I know Nikon has sent a third messenger to you to persuade you to come back to paint the Trinity.
Vím, že Nikon pro tebe poslal třikrát....prosil , abys vymaloval Trojici.
Go to the Trinity Cathedral and paint, paint, paint!
Jdi do Chrámu Svaté Trojice a maluj.
We'll go to the Trinity Monastery together.
Půjdete do Svaté Trojice, spolu.
Medical students of the Trinity.
Medici z Trinity.
You will see Trinity Church, founded in 1877. designed by Henry Hobson Richardson.
Vy uvidíte Trinity Church, postavený v 1877. navržený Henrym Hobson Richardsonem.
My, what a greedy little trinity you are. king, king, king.
Vy jste potomci! Král, král, král!

News and current affairs

In between are states like Germany, whose constitutional preamble makes an explicit reference to God, or Ireland, where the preamble refers to the Holy Trinity.
Mezi těmito protipóly se pak nacházejí země jako Německo, jejíž ústavní preambule se výslovně zmiňuje o Bohu, anebo Irsko, jehož preambule odkazuje na Svatou trojici.

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