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Tl Czech

Translation Tl translation

How do I translate Tl from Czech into English?

Tl Czech » English

thallium Tl

Synonyms Tl synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as Tl?

TL Czech » Czech


Examples Tl examples

How do I use Tl in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Jen jsem tl chtěl říct, že se tu stavil Elmo a zastřeIll .
Just thought you'd like to know that Elmo popped round and shot me.
Super, buď zkurvený TL54!
Great, be a shitty TL54!
Lelgh-Ann, mám tl vyřídlt že není doma.
Hi, Leigh Ann. She told me to tell you she wasn't home.
Manévr Tl za 4, 3, 2, 1.
T.l. burn in four, three, two, one.
Provedli jsme krevní test a zjistili jsme mu v krvi Tl-971.
When we tested him for drugs, we received a TI971 reaction.
A teď tl zlámu všeChny kosti v těle.
And now, I'll amuse myself by breaking every bone in your body.
Vypadá to, že minulý měsíc koupil sejf Kondor TL-60.
Turns out he bought a condor TL-60 free-standing safe last month.
Kancelář TL?
LGT Secretariat?
Potřebujeme LD, Tl, sledovací zařízení v autech.
We need LDs, Tls, trackers in the cars.
Protože nejsem tl.
Because I'm not.
Dýchá se tl dobře? - (Ondra) Hm.
Are you breathing all right?
Říkal jsem sl, že budu StráŽce, že tl to snad dovolím. (Plazivec) VáŽně?
I'll let you be official strangler when I'm Guardian.
Krásná básnička! Ta se tl povedla!
That's really a lovely rhyme.
Nlc se tl nestane. teda zatím.
We won't hurt you. At least not yet.

Tl English

Translation Tl in Czech

How do you say Tl in Czech?

Tl English » Czech

thalium Tl