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Thor Czech

Translation Thor translation

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Thor, na všechno si vzpomínám silně a jasně.
Thor, it's all coming back, strong and clear.
Thor, přines vodu!
Thor, pump some water.
Pomoz mu, Thor.
Put the team up, adam, and feed 'em. You help him, thor.
Adame, Thor, pojďte sem.
Adam, thor, come here.
Ne, co se týče Thor a , ale mám ohledně cizích.
Not for thor and me, but I have for outsiders.
Thor, přestaň se škrábat.
Thor, stop scratching.
Přišli ty šaty a spodnička, kterou si Thor objednala.
That dress and petticoat thorl sent for came in.
Ahoj, Thor.
Hello, thor.
Thor, musíme odtud odejít.
Thor, we ought to go away.
Thor, sem nepatřím.
Thor, I've never belonged here.
Thor, toužím být s tebou.
Thor, I've gotta be with you.
Thor strachy o tebe skoro umřela.
Why, thor was fit to be tied worrying over you.
Proč jsi tam jel? Pohádal ses s Thor?
You and thor have a nip up?
Thor s tím nemá nic společného.
Thor had nothing to do with my going.

Thor English

Translation Thor in Czech

How do you say Thor in Czech?

Thor English » Czech

Thór Thor

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