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Examples telecom hotel examples

How do I use telecom hotel in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Můj strýc provozuje hotel.
My uncle runs a hotel.
Hotel je plný cizinců.
The hotel's full of foreigners.
Vraťme se na hotel.
Let's go back to the hotel.
Je ten hotel odsud daleko?
Is the hotel far from here?
Můžete doporučit jiný hotel?
Can you recommend another hotel?
Můžeš doporučit další hotel?
Can you recommend another hotel?

Examples telecom hotel in Czech examples

How do I translate telecom hotel into Czech?

Simple sentences

The station is to the west of the hotel.
Stanice je na západ od hotelu.
There is a bank in front of the hotel.
Před hotelem je jedna banka.
Carol returned to her hotel.
Carol se vrátila do svého hotelu.
My uncle runs a hotel.
Můj strýc provozuje hotel.
There was a limousine waiting for Tom outside the hotel.
Před hotelem na Toma čekala limuzína.
When was the last time you stayed at a hotel?
Kdy jsi naposledy bydlel v hotelu?
Are you going to stay here in the hotel?
Zůstaneš tu na hotelu?
The hotel's full of foreigners.
Hotel je plný cizinců.
Let's go back to the hotel.
Vraťme se na hotel.
Let's go back to the hotel.
Pojďme zpátky do hotelu.
I checked into a hotel and went right to sleep.
Ubytoval jsem se v hotelu a rovnou šel spát.
You're supposed to meet Tom in front of his hotel in about an hour.
Máš se s Tomem sejít asi za hodinu před jeho hotelem.
Is the hotel far from here?
Je ten hotel odsud daleko?
Can you recommend another hotel?
Můžete doporučit jiný hotel?

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