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Translation Tara translation

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Tara River Hill of Tara

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tu vykládám, a Tara je ohrožena.
Here I am talking tommyrot about civilization. while your Tara is in danger.
Je to Tara.
Tara prosperuje, ale nudím se a tak jsem se rozhodla pro návštěvu města.
Everyone's well at Tara, only. I got so bored, I thought I'd treat myself to a visit to town.
Tak Tara prosperuje?
Things have been going well at Tara?
Tara za to stojí.
I won't let Tara go!
Je ještě horší než Tara!
She's the only thing I hate worse than Tara!
Chtěla bych, aby Tara byla jako před válkou.
I'd give anything to have Tara the way it was before the war.
Tara pro tebe nic neznamená?
You mean to tell me, Scarlett, Tara doesn't mean anything?
Metoda doktora Tara a profesora Feathera.
The Doctor Tar and Professor Feather method.
Prosím, postarej se o Tara.
Care for Taro, please.
A vezmeme také Tara.
And let's also take Taro.
Postarej se místo o Tara!
Take care of Taro now, instead of me!
Celá Tara se stane obřím divadlem.
The whole Tara.. will become a great theatre.

Tara English

Translation Tara in Czech

How do you say Tara in Czech?

Tara English » Czech


Examples Tara in Czech examples

How do I translate Tara into Czech?

Movie subtitles

I say when it's quitting time at Tara.
Jedině to můžu říct.
And when I'm gone I'll leave Tara to you.
zemřu, zdědíš Taru.
Let's talk Twelve Oaks and Tara and times before there was a war.
Mluvme o starých časech.
Tell me about Tara, about my mother.
Povídej mi o mamince.
We're going to Tara.
Jedeme do Tary.
You'd be at Tara now with your mother, wouldn't you?
Nebýt , mohlas být u maminky v Taře.
Home, to Tara.
Do Tary.
They've been fighting around Tara.
Tam se bojuje.
I want to go home to Tara!
Chci domů!
Tara's probably been burned.
Taru asi vypálili.
We're taking you to Tara.
Odvezeme vás do Tary.
Enough ammunition in boxcars to blow us to Tara.
Je tolik, že nás výbuch odnese do Tary.
This is the turn to Tara. Let the horse breathe a bit.
Kůň si musí oddechnout.

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