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Stefan Czech

Inflection Stefan inflection

How do you inflect Stefan in Czech?

Stefan · first name


Examples Stefan examples

How do I use Stefan in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Stefan Polaski.
Stefan Polaski.
A spravedlivý král Stefan a královna uvítali jejich dlouholetého přítele.
And good King Stefan and his queen made welcome their lifelong friend.
Ale král Stefan se velmi bál o život své dcery a proto rozkázal spálit v celém království vsechny kolovrátky.
But King Stefan, still fearful of his daughter's life, did then and there decree that every spinning wheel in the kingdom. should on that very day be burned.
Poručíku Duvaliere, jedinými obyvateli tohoto zámku je Stefan a .
Lieutenant Duvalier, the only occupants of this castle are Stefan and myself.
Například Stefan?
Stefan, for instance.
Tohle je Stefan Barkos, pane Seatone.
That man is Stefan Barkos, Mr Seaton.
To jsem rád, ale chci vědět, kdo Stefan Barkos je.
I'm glad but I want to know who Stefan Barkos was.
Protože Stefan tu bude každou chvilku.
Because Stefan's going to be back any minute.
Tady je Stefan Ponek, rádio KSAN, San Francisko.
This is Stefan Ponek, KSAN Radio, San Francisco.
Chiltonský zámek. Pan Stefan.
Oh, Master Stefan.
Pan Stefan.
Master Stefan.
Mimochodem, kde je Stefan?
By the way, where is Stefan? I'm leaving alone.
Řekni mi, Valerie, cokoliv od tebe Stefan požaduje. souhlasíš, že to uděláš?
Tell me, Valerie, whatever Stefan demands of you-. do you consent to do it?

stefan English

Examples Stefan in Czech examples

How do I translate Stefan into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Stefan Polaski.
Stefan Polaski.
And good King Stefan and his queen made welcome their lifelong friend.
A spravedlivý král Stefan a královna uvítali jejich dlouholetého přítele.
Thus, today would they announce that Phillip, Hubert's son and heir, to Stefan's child would be betrothed. And so to her his gift he brought. and looked unknowing on his future bride.
A Hubertův syn Filip proto přináší dárek a dívá se s rozpaky na budoucí nevěstu.
Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Stefan.
Podívejme, králi Stefane, jaké to noblesní shromáždění!
But King Stefan, still fearful of his daughter's life, did then and there decree that every spinning wheel in the kingdom. should on that very day be burned.
Ale král Stefan se velmi bál o život své dcery a proto rozkázal spálit v celém království vsechny kolovrátky.
Many sad and lonely years passed by. for King Stefan and his people.
Uplynulo mnoho let plných smutku a prázdnoty.
Tonight, we're taking you back to your father, King Stefan. But- - But I can't.
Ale,.ale nemohu.
Good heavens, we must tell Stefan.
Panebože! Musíme to říct Stefanovi.
How will I ever tell Stefan?
Jak to jenom řeknu Stefanovi!
Maybe we should tell King Stefan about the boy.
Co takhle říct králi o tom chlapci?
Stefan, th-there's-- there's something important I have to tell you.
Stefane, mám něco důležitého!
Poor King Stefan and the Queen.
Ubohý král a královna!
Behold, King Stefan's castle.
Hle! Zámek krále Stefana!
Now go with a curse and serve me well. 'Round Stefan's castle cast my spell.
Nechť celý kraj postihne strašlivé prokletí a hradba z trnů vše pohltí!

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