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No ano, to nejde tak z ničeho nic, tak ric pic bum.
Of course it can't be done flip-flap bang.
Dobře, jsem v Ric v Barceloně.
Call me! Okay, I'm at the Ritz in Barcelona.
Bim-bam a ric-pic na jůhů ruty šuty.
Chim-cham and goo-gaas to a hoo-ha whimmy whizzle.
Ty a Ric ste se na domluvili?
You and Ric set me up?
Ráno 11.9.2001. kdo je na schůzce v Ric Carlton hotelu u Washingtonu?
C: On the morning of September 11th, 2001. who was in a meeting of the Rich Crawl hotel in Washington?
Omlouvám se pane Billtuckere. Můj přítel Ric se opil a pohřbil zaživa.
Sorry, Mr. Bill Tucker, my boyfriend Rico got drunk and buried me alive.
Co mi z toho na začátku ukázal Ric, to byla jen špička ledovce.
The story that Ric showed me at the beginning was just the tip of the iceberg.
Ric je díky práci s delfíny známý po celém světě.
Ric is world famous for his work with dolphins.
Ric nějak naverboval Nikaragujskou armádu.
Ric somehow enlisted the military forces of Nicaragua.
Ric ale upozornil na to, že zajedou loděmi do skryté zátoky, kam není vidět, a kde nevybrané delfíny vyvraždí a prodají na maso.
But Ric pointed out where they take the boats around to the secret cove that nobody could see where dolphins that weren't selected are slaughtered and sold for their meat.
Ale zase, Ric je dobrá podpora.
But then again, ric is a good buffer.
a Ric-Ric jsme chodili sem a tam na jeviště.
Me and Ric-Ric was going back and forth on stage.
a Ric-Ric jsme chodili sem a tam na jeviště.
Me and Ric-Ric was going back and forth on stage.
To je Ric-Ricova banda.
That's Ric-Ric's crew.

ric English

Examples ric in Czech examples

How do I translate ric into Czech?

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I am Malek Ric!
jsem Malik Rik!
No! You have no friends to protect you now, Malek Ric.
tu nemáš nikoho, kdo by ochránil, Malik Riku!
Malek Ric.
Malik Rik.
Malek Ric. So we're in the Holy Land?
Takže jsme ve svaté zemi?
Malek Ric?
Malik Rik?!
The sister of the Malek Ric, here for your command.
Sestra Malik Rika, zde k tvým službám.
Costa Ric. Right.
Máte pravdu, v Kostarice.
Have you seen Ric Ocasek from The Cars?
Viděls Rica Ocaseka z kapely Cars?
Ric Flair is voted off the island.
Rick Flair je vyloučenej z Perlovejch ostrovů!
At its heart were Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, along with the vice-president, Dick Cheney and Ric Perle, who was a senior advisor to the Pentagon.
V jejím srdci byl Donald Rumsfeld a Paul Wolfowitz, spolu v viceprezidentem Dickem Cheney a Richardem Perle, jenž byl hlavním poradcem Pentagonu.
Ric, he worships the ground you walk on.
Ricku, ten kluk uctívá zem, po který chodíš.
What's up, Ric?
Jak je, Ricku?
Hey, Ric, man, you taking this loyalty thing a little too far.
Hele Ricku, tahle loajalita, nepřeháněj to.
We got to find Ric.
Musíme Ricka najít.