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Regina Czech

Translation Regina translation

How do I translate Regina from Czech into English?

Regina Czech » English


Synonyms Regina synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as Regina?

Regina Czech » Czech


Inflection Regina inflection

How do you inflect Regina in Czech?

Regina · first name


Examples Regina examples

How do I use Regina in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Malá Regina moc pije.
Little Regina is drinking too much.
zazpívají Salve Regina.
Yes, sing the Salve Regina.
Jsem kmotřenec Ciccia, toho co sedí v Regina Coeli. si vzpomínáš?
The friend of Ciccio who's in jail, remember?
To je Regina, náš zvrhlík.
This is Regina, the pervert.
jsem Regina Lampert.
Mine's Regina Lampert.
Pane Bartholomew, tady je Regina Lampert.
Mr. Bartholomew, this is Regina Lampert.
Pane Bartholomew, tady je Regina Lampert. Právě jsem.
Mr. Bartholomew, this is Regina Lampert.
Anna Regina nám nikdy nezestárne.
Ana Regina not you never grow old.
Svědek paní Maria Regina Escalante, služka.
Testimony of Virgen Maria Escalante, domestic workers.
Arton, Regina z Herrera.
Arton, Regina in Herrera.
Victoria Regina Phi-besová.
Victoria Regina Phi-bes.
Victoria Regina Phibesová.
Victoria Regina Phibes.
Regina Coeli (Řím).
In prison, at Regina Coeli.
A proč Regina Coeli?
Why at Regina Coeli?

News and current affairs

V jednom ze zoufalých a do nebe volajících případů Regina Ip, ministryně bezpečnosti, připsala Hitlerův nástup k moci kazům ve fungování demokracie.
In one of the more desperate and egregious examples, Regina Ip, the Secretary for Security, attributed Hitler's rise to power to flaws in the workings of democracy.

Regina English

Translation Regina in Czech

How do you say Regina in Czech?

Regina English » Czech

Regina Regína Regina Habsbursko-Lotrinská

Examples Regina in Czech examples

How do I translate Regina into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Little Regina is drinking too much.
Malá Regina moc pije.
You know, you are rare, Regina.
Víte, jste výjimečná, Regino.
Regina, darling.
Regino, drahá.
I hear you're in love with Regina Bush.
Prý milujete Reginu Bushovou.
Regina Bush.
Reginu Bushovou.
Regina Bush.
Reginu Bushovou.
Yes, sing the Salve Regina.
zazpívají Salve Regina.
This is Regina, the pervert.
To je Regina, náš zvrhlík.
Mine's Regina Lampert.
jsem Regina Lampert.
Mr. Bartholomew, this is Regina Lampert.
Pane Bartholomew, tady je Regina Lampert.
Mr. Bartholomew, this is Regina Lampert.
Pane Bartholomew, tady je Regina Lampert. Právě jsem.
Ana Regina not you never grow old.
Anna Regina nám nikdy nezestárne.
Arton, Regina in Herrera.
Arton, Regina z Herrera.
Victoria Regina Phi-bes.
Victoria Regina Phi-besová.

News and current affairs

In one of the more desperate and egregious examples, Regina Ip, the Secretary for Security, attributed Hitler's rise to power to flaws in the workings of democracy.
V jednom ze zoufalých a do nebe volajících případů Regina Ip, ministryně bezpečnosti, připsala Hitlerův nástup k moci kazům ve fungování demokracie.

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