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Examples nino examples

How do I use nino in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Nino, musíte vědět alespoň něco.
Nina, you must know something.
Není to zase ten Nino Zachetti?
It's not that Nino Zachetti again, is it?
Je to Nino Zachetti.
It's Nino Zachetti.
Nino není takový, jak říká můj otec.
Nino's not what my father says at all.
Nino? Over here, Nino.
Tohle je pan Neff, Nino.
This is Mr. Neff, Nino.
Ahoj, Nino.
Hello, Nino.
Nino, please.
Pana Neffa se bát nemusíme, Nino.
We don't have to worry about Mr. Neff, Nino.
Co je to s tebou, Nino?
Well, what's the matter with you, Nino?
Dobré ráno, Nino.
Good morning, Nina.
Podaří se nám to, Nino.
We'll succeed, Nina.
Nino, vytvořte z tohoto kulturu a připravte co nejdříve protilátku.
Nina? Make a culture of this and prepare an antitoxin as soon as possible.
Možná máte pravdu, Nino.
Perhaps you're right, Nina.

News and current affairs

Mnohem složitější otázkou je, co Rusko jako severní soused Gruzie očekávat od triumvirátu Saakašviliho, Nino Burdžanadzeové a Zuraba Žvaniji.
A more complicated question is what Georgia's northern neighbor, Russia, should expect from the new power triumvirate of Saakashvili, Nino Burdzhanadze, and Zurab Zhvania.

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