Nas Czech
Translation Nas translation
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To je Ed Linton, nas serif.
This is Ed Linton, our sheriff.
Wallaceovi by se stali pro nas nebezpecnou hrozbou.
It would have set Wallace up as a dangerous threat to us.
Myslite,ze by jste byl nas partner?
You mean you want to be partners with us?
Mame vybaveni a vozky a muzeme zarucit zasilky rudy do mlyna. v cenach,ktere jsou pro nas prijemné a vyhodne.
We have the equipment and drivers and can guarantee the delivery of paying loads to the mill. at a price attractive to you and profitable to us.
A kdyz jsme byli pripraveni do toho jit, Armin nas oklamal.
And when we were ready to go, Armin welshed.
Vidim, ze nase dohoda bude docela vyhodna pro nas oba.
I can see now that our association is going to be quite profitable to both of us.
To je pro nas volna cesta.
That gives us the right-of-way.
A muzete rict Johnu Arminovi, ze dalsiho koho na nas posle ceka stejna lecba.
And you can tellJohn Armin that anyone else he sends after us can expect the same treatment.
Pan Cole nas nebude ted potrebovat.
Reckon Mr. Cole won't be needin' us now.
Mm. myslel jsem,ze jsme byli oba vyrízeni, my i mezci, kdyz dojedes a vsechno se tam odsud bude na nas rítit.
Mm. I thought we was both goners, us and the mules, when you come barreling down on us there.
Co od nas ocekávate?
What do you expect of us?
Ten bastard dostal Toma Feeneyho a me a oloupil nas.
This skunk held up Tom Feeney and me out at our claim.
Nemůžeme žít jeho život a on za nas taky ne.
No, Sabra, no. We can't live his life for him, Sabra and we can't expect him to live our lives for us.
Nas mizině!
NAS English
Translation Nas in Czech
How do you say Nas in Czech?
NAS English » Czech
Nas English » Czech
Examples Nas in Czech examples
How do I translate Nas into Czech?
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The public-information office at NAS Pensacola has identified the dead pilot as Carl Hassler owner of Hassler Air Service.
Kancelář tiskového mluvčího v NAS Pensacola. identifikovala mrtvého pilota jako Carla Hasslera,. majitele Hasslerovy letecké dopravy.
Now I am angry, Nas.
Teď jsi mě ale naštval Nasire!
Where is Nas?
Kde je Nasir? - Odešel, než ses vzbudil.
NAS: Nerve Attenuation Syndrome.
Syndrom nervového oslabení.
You got NAS.
Máš SNO?
It's NAS, right?
Je to SNO?
The NAS underground.
Hnutí SNO.
You're carrying the cure for NAS.
Nosíš v sobě lék na SNO.
It's crazy, but if it's really the cure to NAS in my head, it could save you.
Podle mě je to nesmysl, ale jestli mám fakt v hlavě lék na SNO, můžu tě zachránit.
He's carrying the cure for NAS.
Nosí lék na SNO.
We got the cure to NAS.
Máme lék na SNO.
CAs and NAs meet tomorrow and overeaters, sexual addicts.
Závislost na drogách - schůzka zítra, závislost na jídle, na sexu.
Make sure the steam is blowing up against the boobies so the na-nas stand up.
Ujisti se, že pára jde proti tvým prsům, tak se postaví bradavky.
I don't think I have the na-nas, the ta-tas, the boo-boos or the ba-bas for that.
Nemyslím si, že mám na to kozy, prsa, nalejváky nebo cecky.