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matrix ring English

Translation matrix ring in Czech

How do you say matrix ring in Czech?

matrix ring English » Czech

okruh matic

Examples matrix ring in Czech examples

How do I translate matrix ring into Czech?

Simple sentences

The name Edwin doesn't ring a bell.
Jméno Edwin mi nic neříká.
If you need anything, ring my bell any time. I'll be glad to help you.
Když budete cokoli potřebovat, klidně na zazvoňte. Rád vám pomůžu.
The bells started to ring.
Zvony začali zvonit.
The bells started to ring.
Zvony se rozezvonily.
Tom wasn't wearing a wedding ring, but Mary noticed a white circle on his ring finger.
Tom na sobě neměl snubní prsten, ale Mary si povšimla bledého proužku na jeho prsteníku.
Tom wasn't wearing a wedding ring, but Mary noticed a white circle on his ring finger.
Tom na sobě neměl snubní prsten, ale Mary si povšimla bledého proužku na jeho prsteníku.

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