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irina Czech

Examples irina examples

How do I use irina in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Ne, to je Irina.
No, it's just Irina.
Kde je Irina, a Mark?
Where's Irina, and Mark?
Irina dělá kávu, Mark šel pro víno.
Irina is making coffee, Mark went out for wine.
Irina a máme v nemocnici pořád napilno.
Irina and I are so busy at the hospital.
Moje celá rodina, Irina, otec, matka a malá sestra, všichni umřeli hlady.
My whole family, Irina, father, mother and little sister, all of them starved to death.
Tvá Irina byla doma, s děvčaty.
Your Irina was at home, with the girls.
Jmenuje se Irina Galliulinova.
Her name is Irina Galliulin.
Promiňte, je s vámi Irina Galliulinova?
Excuse me. Is Irina Galliulin with you?
To je hraběnka Irina Petrovská. jsem hrabě Marian Petrovski.
This is Countess Irina Petrovska and I am Count Maryan Petrovski.
Šeredně vás chce vidět, stejně jako slečna Irina a Xenie.
He wants to see you badly, as do Miss Irina and Miss X enia.
Moje sestra Irina a jsem se ztratily v lese a schovávaly jsme se, strachy, protože jsme neznaly.
My sister Irina and I were lost in the woods and we were hiding, afraid because we didn't know you.
Irina je tam na služebce, letím tam za , abychom spolu oslavili Silvestra.
Irina is there on business, and I'm flying over to see in the New Year with her. What's going on anyway?
Tohle je dcera, Irina.
This is my daughter. Irina.

News and current affairs

Mezitím společníci - Gaidar, Anatolij Čubajs a Irina Chakamada - a zakládáme novou demokratickou stranu s jasně definovanou platformou: spolu s ostatními chceme být pro prezidenta Putina jakousi zpětnou kontrolou a protiváhou.
Meanwhile my associates - Gaidar, Anatole Chubais, and Irina Khakamada - and I are establishing a new democratic party with an explicit platform to assure that, together with others, we provide checks and balances to President Putin.

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