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hrbit Czech

Translation hrbit translation

How do I translate hrbit from Czech into English?

hrbit Czech » English

stoop slouch

Synonyms hrbit synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as hrbit?

hrbit Czech » Czech

shrbit nahrbit se nahrbit

Conjugation hrbit conjugation

How do you conjugate hrbit in Czech?

hrbit · verb

Examples hrbit examples

How do I use hrbit in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Proč dále studovat? Proč se hrbit nad knihami, v nichž nenajdeš nic z toho, co hledáš?
What's the use of studying those books that reveal none of the secrets you wish to discover?
se nemusím hrbit nad tím smradlavým kotlem.
No more breaking my back over a stinkin' stove.
Tady před tebou nebudeme hrbit hřbet, Angličane.
We won't be bowing down to you no more, Englishman.
Vaše matka se bude hrbit a kroutit.
You've done this.
Budeš se hrbit, plazit a podlézat před poručíkem Ayresem.
You'll grovel, cringe, squirm and toady to Lieutenant Ayres.
A odpusťte mi tuto moji ctnost, neb v tučných těch dnech ctnost sama musí prosit nepravost, by odpustila, hrbit se a žadonit, by dovolila jen dobro učinit.
Forgive me this my virtue for in the fatness of these pursy times virtue itself of vice must pardon beg yea, curb and woo for leave to do him good.
Tak se trochu projdi. Přestaneš se hrbit.
So walk a little, that way you'll stop slouching.
Musím se hrbit, protože mám astma.
It's not my fault. I'm asthmatic!
A přestaňte se hrbit.
And stop slouching.
Charley se jenom neměl hrbit, mumlat..a vyzvracet se do uličky před koncem.
Charley was only expected not to slouch or mutter and to transport his sicknesses to the alley before letting them go.
Nebudu se omlouvat, ani se hrbit, ani žebrat ani brečet!
D I'm not gonna apologize,either,or cower or beg or cry!
Takhle zakašlu když se začneš hrbit.
I will cough, thus: ahem! If I see your posture lapsing.
Když Caleb varoval, že Amanda donutí dělat věci, o kterých se mi ani nesnilo, tak nenapadlo, že myslel, že se budu hrbit s digitálními hodinkami.
When Caleb warned me that Amanda would make me do things I couldn't imagine, I didn't actually think he meant I'd stoop down to wearing digital.
A Sam, přestaň se hrbit.
Knockers up.

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