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hilary English

Examples hilary in Czech examples

How do I translate hilary into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Hilary, my dear, this is Mr. Hammond.
Hilary, drahoušku, to je pan Hammond.
Hilary, you didn't forget.
Hilary, nezapomněl jsi.
It's delightful to see you, Hilary.
Je příjemné, že vidím, Hilary.
More port, Hilary?
Více portského, Hilary?
What is the condition of your ship, Hilary?
Jaký je stav vaší lodi, Hilary?
Good evening, Hilary.
Dobrý večer, Hilary.
But I ask for nothing, Hilary.
Ale si nic nepřeji, Hilary.
Hilary, please don't leave me alone.
Hilary, prosím, nenechávejte mne samotnou.
We shall get nothing out of him, Hilary.
Nedostaneme z něj nic, Hilary.
Captain Hilary Evans.
Kapitán Hilary Evans.
Let's show them Vindicator, Hilary.
Předveď jim Obránce, Hilary.
Hilary, please.
Hilary, no tak.
Now, really, Hilary you must learn to trust people more.
No tak, Hilary, musíš lidem trochu víc věřit.

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