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Examples fish tank examples

How do I use fish tank in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Wilhelm, chápu, že chceš malý tank na hraní.
And now, Wilhelm, I understand you want a little tank to play with.
Řekneš svému otci, kdo ti dal ten tank, však?
You are going to tell your father who gave it to you, aren't you, Wilhelm?
Tou dírou by projel tank.
There's a hole forward, sir, you can drive a tank through.
Fitchi,zastav tank!
Fitch, stop the tank! They've got the exhaust.
Řekl bys, že to byl tank.
You'd say it was a tank.
Pořídím si tank, kamaráde!
I'll get me a tank, old man!
Jednou si chytím takový tank.
I will catch me a tank like that, old man.
Pablo, Dostal jsem. tank!
Pablo, I got me a. a tank!
Náš tank sem dorazil mezi prvními.
Ours is one of the first tanks here.
Nepodceňujte ten tank.
I'm sorry you feel that way about her.
Je to dobrý tank.
She's a good tank.
Ale ten tank pojmenoval po někom, koho miloval.
But he named his tank after someone he loved.
Myslel jsem, že jsem narazil na nepřátelský tank.
I thought I had captured an enemy tank.

News and current affairs

Je na něm fotokoláž zobrazující izraelský tank a vojáka mířícího na bezbranného Palestince.
It displayed a composite picture of an Israeli tank and a soldier taking aim at a defenseless Palestinian.

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Translation fish tank in Czech

How do you say fish tank in Czech?

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