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Examples equipment performance examples

How do I use equipment performance in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Dělá performance.
A performance artist.
Performance artist.
Co jsou to performance?
What the hell is a performance artist?
Dělá performance.
A performance artist.
Myslel jsem, že dělá performance.
One sweet piece, actually. I thought he was a performance artist.
sama se zaměřuji na video a performance, ovšem doufám, že se tím nenecháte příliš ovlivnit. a naleznete vlastní způsob, jak vyjádřit to, co máte v sobě.
Now, my own background is in video and performance art. but I'm hoping that doesn't influence you too much. and you'll find your own ways of externalizing the internal.
Myslím, procházení přes to všechno, to byl právě ten prvek performance, vymyšlení charakteru teatrálnosti.
I mean, running through all that was just this element of performance, and inventing a character, theatricality.
Dělal performance.
A performance artist.
Je vyrobeno v Německu a jmenuje se to Performance.
It's made in Germany and it's called The Performance.
To je nějaká performance?
What, is it performance art? I don't get it.
Čím dál více se mi líbí performance, které nepřetrvají.
I'm liking performance art more and more. It's impermanent.
On říkal, že to být umělecká performance.
He said it was performance art.
Říkal, že to být umělecká performance.
He said it was performance art.
Jeho otec vlastní Kendall Performance. k dispozici všechno z obchodu.
His father is the owner of Kendall Performances He's got a lot to store his disposal.

equipment performance English

Translation equipment performance in Czech

How do you say equipment performance in Czech?

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