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chestnut English

Translation chestnut in Czech

How do you say chestnut in Czech?

Examples chestnut in Czech examples

How do I translate chestnut into Czech?

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Beautiful chestnut dancer.
Krásná kaštanářko.
That's a chestnut.
To je kaštan.
In a handicap, Chestnut King looks like an odds-on favorite.
Největším favoritem je zřejmě Chestnut King.
Chestnut King's a dog.
Chestnut King je chromajzl.
Held at Chestnut Hill recruiting station.
Je v náborovém středisku v Chestnut Hill.
I can't tell you, but he was at Chestnut Hill recruiting station a few miles from home.
To Ti nemůžu říct, ale je v náborovém středisku v Chestnut Hill, několik mil od domova.
Some of them belonged to that there chestnut you were riding.
Některé udělal ten hnědák, na kterém jezdíš.
It's the damp chestnut trees, you see?
Voní vlhkými kaštany. - Aha.
What about the Abruzzi, and the chestnut woods and the river?
Co Abruzzi, a kaštanovými lesy a řekou?
They say there was a fire on Chestnut Street last night.
They say there was a fire on Chestnut Street last night.
Yes, look: honey, strawberry jam with real fruit, chestnut spread.
To jo, podívej. Med. Zavařené jahody z dovozu.
Manu likes chestnut spread!
Netušíš, co všechno Manuovi chutná.
You should have seen that poor, great man, lying on the ground under a chestnut tree, bearing a terrible pain, not only in his body, but also in his spirit!
Měl jste vidět toho ubohého, velkého muže, jak leží na zemi pod kaštanem a snáší otřesnou bolest, ne jen tělesnou, i tu na duši!
This here is lovely hot-chestnut weather.
Protože tady je počásí pod psa.

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