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centimetre English

Translation centimetre in Czech

How do you say centimetre in Czech?

centimetre English » Czech

centimetr cm

Examples centimetre in Czech examples

How do I translate centimetre into Czech?

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Centimetre or so lower, it would have gone through the heart.
O centimetr níž, a zasáhla by srdce.
Achilles a centimetre and the Tortoise a millimetre.
Achilles decimetr, želva centimetr.
Nine-centimetre cable.
Devíticentimetrový kabel.
We will lose effective control of this vessel at the point when we've become approximately one centimetre tall.
Ztratíme kontrolu nad lodí v okamžiku, kdy budeme cca 1 cm vysocí.
According to my instruments, it hasn't moved a centimetre. since we first spotted it.
Podle mých údajů, se to nehnulo ani centimetr. od doby, co jsme to poprvé spatřili.
The doctor said, one centimetre more and I would have been paralysed from the waist down.
Doktor říkal. Být to prý o centimetr vedle, tak jsem ochrnul od pasu dolů.
We mustn't give them a centimetre.
Nesmíme ustoupit ani o centimetr.
Extracting 10-to-the-21 st protons per cubic centimetre will give 1 kilojoule per cubic centimetre, or a megajoule per litre.
Dostaneme z toho 10 21 protonů na centimetr krychlový. to nám kilojoule na krychlový centimetr, nebo megajoule na litr.
Extracting 10-to-the-21 st protons per cubic centimetre will give 1 kilojoule per cubic centimetre, or a megajoule per litre.
Dostaneme z toho 10 21 protonů na centimetr krychlový. to nám kilojoule na krychlový centimetr, nebo megajoule na litr.
Miss Lemon, at least one centimetre to the left.
Doleva. Alespoň o kousek doleva.
I'm getting tricyanate readings of 70 grams per cubic centimetre at the source coordinates.
Mám tu údaje o trykyanitu. 70 gramů na kubický centimetr u souřadnic zdroje.
Density at 1,100 grams per cubic centimetre.
Hustota 1,100 gramů na kubický centimetr.
One centimetre.
Three-by-five-centimetre window in the upper-left anterior portion of the skull.
Tři, pěticentimetrový otvor v levé horní části lebky.

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