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Translation biking in Czech

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Examples biking in Czech examples

How do I translate biking into Czech?

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We went biking over the bridge.
Jezdili jsme na kole přes most.
Walking or biking!
Pěšky nebo na kole!
You can go biking!
Můžeš jet na kole!
On a small uphill, they got into horrible storm that always going along with mountain biking.
Na malém stoupání na třídě De Amicis je potkala příšerná bouře nevyhnutelně doprovázející každou horskou prémii.
He enjoys biking, playing tennis and riding waves at sunset.
rád jízdu na kole, tenis a surfování ve večerních hodinách.
Marla and I went out for coffee, and I was crossing the street. He was biking towards me, so I got out of the way in time. He ran into a parked car, hit his head and everything went flying.
Marla a jsme šly na kafe a přecházela jsem ulici a on jel směrem ke mně, tak jsem včas šla z cesty, ale narazil do zaparkovaného auta, uhodil se do hlavy a všechno se vysypalo.
I bet you think I've been mountain biking, but, no.
Vsadím se, že si myslíš, že jsem byl na horách. Ale ne!
Biking, golf, windsurfing. Boy's stuff.
Tenis, golf, plachetnice, kamarádi.
It's like biking down a hill.
Jako bych jel na kole z kopce.
Is he biking?!
Jezdí na kole?
We were biking before, so she broke her neck.
Jezdili jsme na kole a ona si zlomila vaz.
Sorry, I was biking down the boardwalk.
Promiň, jezdil jsem na kole.
Her biking shoes, she's been missing my braciola.
Boty na kolo, a taky měla chuť na moje braciole.
So what you want to share with me, it's to go biking in the rain? Isn't it romantic?
Takže ty ses se mnou chtěl podělit o ježdění v dešti?

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