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atkins Czech

Examples atkins examples

How do I use atkins in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Prezident Obama, poručík Pritikin Atkins.
President Obama, Lieutenant Pritikin Atkins.
Pan Atkins možná vyjde ven.
Mr. Atkins might come outside.
Muž byl identifikovaný jako 43 letý Fred Atkins z Camelfordu, který v záchvatu šílenství, při hádce o objednávku, kousl číšnici do ruky.
The man, later identified as 43-year-old Fred Atkins of Camelford, went berserk this morning during an argument over who was to be served first, and bit the counter girl on the arm.
Předsedá soudce Atkins.
Judge Atkins presiding.
Leo Atkins.
Leo. Leo Atkins.
Tommy Atkins k vašim službám.
Tommy Atkins at your service.
To je Adlai Atkins.
That's Adlai Atkins.
Dobrý večer, Tommy Atkins.
Good evening, Tommy Atkins.
Ale Tommy Atkins nás oba překvapil!
But Tommy Atkins took us both by surprise!
Ale Tommy Atkins, nebo Eton Bertie, nebo Able Seaman Simms, nebo Bobby Brown, z Birminghamu.
But Tommy Atkins, or Eton Bertie, or Able Seaman Simms, or Bobby Brown, from Birmingham.
Janet, to je komisař Atkins.
Janet, this is Constable Atkins.
Atkins spáchal sebevraždu.
Atkins committed suicide.
Policajti v 60-tých letech zabavili dům muže, který se jmenoval Gil Atkins.
Feds seized the house from a man named Gil Atkins in the '60s.
Atkins postavil protiatomový kryt v 51., zapečetil ho v 58. a zemřel v 83.
Atkins built a fallout shelter in '51. He sealed it in '58 and he died in '83.

atkins English

Examples atkins in Czech examples

How do I translate atkins into Czech?

Movie subtitles

President Obama, Lieutenant Pritikin Atkins.
Prezident Obama, poručík Pritikin Atkins.
Mr. Atkins might come outside.
Pan Atkins možná vyjde ven.
Písaři Atkinsová.
Thank you, Colonel Atkins.
The man, later identified as 43-year-old Fred Atkins of Camelford, went berserk this morning during an argument over who was to be served first, and bit the counter girl on the arm.
Muž byl identifikovaný jako 43 letý Fred Atkins z Camelfordu, který v záchvatu šílenství, při hádce o objednávku, kousl číšnici do ruky.
Judge Atkins presiding.
Předsedá soudce Atkins.
By the way. how's Fred Atkins, your old partner?
Mimochodem, jak se tvůj společník?
Leo. Leo Atkins.
Leo Atkins.
No, no, no. Just thought you might be here to interview that bum, Leo Atkins.
Ne ne, myslel jsem, že čekáte na interview s Atkinsem?
I suspect collusion by the local authorities. in the attempted abduction of Leo Atkins.
Domnívám se místní úřady tiše souhlasili s únosem Lea Atkinse.
Tommy Atkins at your service.
Tommy Atkins k vašim službám.
Random House fired Dick Atkins.
Random House vyhodil Dicka Atkinse.
Jesus, Atkins!
Bože, Atkinsi!

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