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Examples ari examples

How do I use ari in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Ari Ben Kenaan.
Ari! Ari Ben Canaan!
Pane Mandrio, toto je Ari Ben Kenaan.
Mr. Mandria, this is Ari Ben Canaan.
Ari, to nejde.
Ari, we cannot do it.
Ari, musíš pochopit.
Ari, you've got to understand. - No, Reuben.
Dlužíš mu omluvu, Ari.
You owe him an apology, Ari.
Neměl jsi ho urážet, Ari.
Shouldn't have hurt him, Ari.
Je to ta nejsnadnější věc na světě, Ari.
It's the easiest thing in the world, Ari.
Nemáš pravdu, Ari.
You're wrong, Ari.
Ari, můj chlapče.
Ari, my boy.
Přijel Ari.
No. Ari is home.
Můj Ari přijede domů, a v domě není nic k jídlu.
My Ari comes home and there's not a thing in the house to eat, not a bite.
Jordano, tvůj bratr Ari je v Jad El. Mluvil jsem s tvým tatínkem. Ari?
Jordana, your brother Ari is at Yad EI, I just spoke to your papa.
Jordano, tvůj bratr Ari je v Jad El. Mluvil jsem s tvým tatínkem. Ari?
Jordana, your brother Ari is at Yad EI, I just spoke to your papa.
Proto se Ari nikdy neoženil.
That's why Ari never got married.

ari English

Examples ari in Czech examples

How do I translate ari into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Ari! Ari Ben Canaan!
Ari Ben Kenaan.
Ari! Ari Ben Canaan!
Ari Ben Kenaan.
We can't, Ari.
To nejde.
Reuben. - Shalom, Ari.
David, how are you? - Shalom, Ari.
Davide, jak se vede?
Mr. Mandria, this is Ari Ben Canaan.
Pane Mandrio, toto je Ari Ben Kenaan.
Ari, we cannot do it.
Ari, to nejde.
But this isn't the Red Sea, Ari.
Toto není Rudé moře.
Ari, you've got to understand. - No, Reuben.
Ari, musíš pochopit.
You owe him an apology, Ari.
Dlužíš mu omluvu, Ari.
Shouldn't have hurt him, Ari.
Neměl jsi ho urážet, Ari.
Ari! Hank, how are you?
Hanku, jak se máš?
Have you time for me, Ari?
Máte na mne čas?
You're an important man, Mr. Ari Ben Canaan, but you know nothing.
Jste vlivný muž, ale nic nevíte.