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annie Czech

Examples annie examples

How do I use annie in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Annie, ručníky!
Anni, get some towels.
Tady je to, sladká Annie. Takže čtyři roky.
Annie is the it's 4 years, Joss..
Zvolili ho ten rok, co si Annie vzala Toma Freemana.
Got elected the year Annie married Tom Freeman.
Crabapple Annie.
Oh, Crabapple Annie.
Je celé vaše, Crabapple Annie.
It's all yours, Crabapple Annie.
Remorkér Annie je zpátky a jede plnou parou.
Tugboat Annie's back again with a full head of steam.
Annie Krausheimerová?
Was she Annie Krausheimer?
Ahoj, Annie.
Hello, Annie.
Annie, ani trochu ses nezměnila od doby, co jsi jako holka. běhala kolem našeho domu.
Annie, you haven't changed a bit from the little girl. who used to go running in and out of the house.
A nashledanou, Annie.
And goodbye, Annie.
Běž dál, Annie.
Get going, Annie.
Byla jsem u Annie jako porodní bába.
I was the midwife when she was born.
Annie, otevři dveře.
Annie, you open that door.

annie English

Examples annie in Czech examples

How do I translate annie into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Not Anytime Annie?
To jako Andula Kdykoliv?
Anytime Annie.
Andula Kdykoliv.
Annie is the it's 4 years, Joss..
Tady je to, sladká Annie. Takže čtyři roky.
I don't think it actually makes the slightest difference. - Annie!
Nechápu, proč by v tom měl být rozdíl.
Got elected the year Annie married Tom Freeman.
Zvolili ho ten rok, co si Annie vzala Toma Freemana.
Oh, Crabapple Annie.
Crabapple Annie.
Crabapple Annie?
It's all yours, Crabapple Annie.
Je celé vaše, Crabapple Annie.
Tugboat Annie's back again with a full head of steam.
Remorkér Annie je zpátky a jede plnou parou.
Was she Annie Krausheimer?
Annie Krausheimerová?
Hello, Annie.
Ahoj, Annie.
Annie, you haven't changed a bit from the little girl. who used to go running in and out of the house.
Annie, ani trochu ses nezměnila od doby, co jsi jako holka. běhala kolem našeho domu.
And goodbye, Annie.
A nashledanou, Annie.
Get going, Annie.
Běž dál, Annie.

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