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Examples anka examples

How do I use anka in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Anka: Tak, tak vám teda pěkně děkuju za všecky děcka z měst, kterým posíláme mléko poctivé a zdravé.
I'd like to thank you very much on behalf of all the city kids, which we're supplying with healthy milk.
Takže mašli měla jen moje Anka, jenže mi znovu utekla.
Now only my Ania had a ribbon. But then she ran off again.
Pak jsem odvedl Gustlíkovi Hanku. protože jsem myslel, že je to Anka, jenže to znova byla Hanka.
Then I took Hania away from Gustlik because I thought it was Ania but it turned out to be Hania.
Jak mám poznat, kteráje Anka. Obě jsou stejné, jak dvě kapky vody, jak dvě ovce z jednoho stáda.
How do I know which one is Ania they're as much alike as two drops of water.
Anka přijde, všichni promluví. Tak o tohle Rozvracečům jde?
Your collection of da Vinci masterpieces appear to have been recently painted on contemporary canvas with contemporary materials.
Dobrou noc, Anka.
Goodnight, Anka.
Volá Anka.
This is Anka speaking.
Tady je. Rex Harrison a Paul Anka v jedné osobě.
Here he is, Rex Harrison and Paul Anka rolled into one.
Paul Anka by nelhal.
Paul Anka wouldn't lie.
Ouhh Paul Anka.
Bral ji na večeře, měli spolu žhavý sex, a pak se na ni vykašlal kvůli islandské modelce jménem Anka.
He wined and dined her, set the bar for hot sex then dumped her for an Icelandic supermodel named Anka.
A mně šediví vlasy, a Anka si ani trochu neváží.
So successful and I'm getting gray hair and Anka is taking me for everything I've got.
Anka a to ještě chceme zkusit.
Anka and I are giving it another shot.
Paul Anka.
Paul Anka!

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