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anestezie Czech

Translation anestezie translation

How do I translate anestezie from Czech into English?

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anesthesia anaesthesia

Synonyms anestezie synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as anestezie?

anestezie Czech » Czech

znecitlivění pomocí anestetik

Inflection anestezie inflection

How do you inflect anestezie in Czech?

anestezie · noun


Examples anestezie examples

How do I use anestezie in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Jde o případ psycho-anestezie.
I believe it's a case of psycho-anesthesia.
Anestezie vyvolané udržováním noha v nepřirozené poloze.
Anaesthesia induced by maintaining the leg in an unnatural position.
Pokud by jedla jednu hodinu před příchodem do nemocnice, pak by zavedení celkové anestezie bylo nedbalostí?
If she had eaten an hour before being admitted to the hospital. then the inducement of a general anaesthetic would have been. negligent?
Anestezie je úplná, kůly jsou hladké a ostré.
The anaesthesia is complete. The pales are smooth and sharp.
Rantes utrpěl srdeční záchvat. z anestezie.
Rantes suffered a heart attack from the anesthetic.
Teď, uprostřed anestezie?
What, in the middle of the anaesthetic?
působí anestezie?
Do I look stupid? Why don't you tell me?
Nezvažoval jste místo celkově anestezie lokální?
Have you considered having a local anesthetic instead of a general?
Anestezie vysuší, víš?
Anesthesia. It dries you out. You know.
V oblasti anestezie ucítíte malě píchnutí.
You'll feel a small prick in the area that I'm going to anesthetize.
Fáze číslo 2: anestezie.
Second stage, the anaesthetic.
U anestezie.
The anaesthetic.
Hele, anestezie zabrala.
Look, the anaesthetic's already working.

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