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amfora Czech

Meaning amfora meaning

What does amfora mean in Czech?


amphora antická nádoba s úzkým hrdlem a dvěma uchy, sloužící k uchovávání tekutin

Translation amfora translation

How do I translate amfora from Czech into English?

amfora Czech » English

amphora pitcher

Synonyms amfora synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as amfora?

amfora Czech » Czech


Inflection amfora inflection

How do you inflect amfora in Czech?

amfora · noun


Examples amfora examples

How do I use amfora in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Láhev se nazývá, amfora, a patřila obchodníkovi z Pompeje, který přežil Vesuv.
The bottle is called, uh, an amphora, and it belonged to a merchant from Pompeii who survived Vesuvius.
Ne meč, nebo pistole, ale amfora vyrobená z nebeské oceli. byla první zbraní Nových Delf.
Not a sword, or a gun, but an amphora made of empyrean steel was the first weapon of New Delphi.
Je to pátá amfora. Temnota.
This is the fifth Amphora, darkness.
Naštěstí ta tvoje amfora zničí ve městě každou živou bytost. i Gabriela.
Fortunately, your Amphora will destroy every living thing in this city, including Gabriel.
A amfora. je v bezpečí?
Now, the Amphora. is it safe?
Kde je moje amfora?
You. Where's my Amphora?
Řekni Julianovi, že mu nikdy neřeknu, kde je ta amfora.
You tell Julian that I will never reveal the location of the Amphora.
Jediné, co chci, je ta amfora.
All it takes from you is the Amphora.
Kde je amfora?
Where is the Amphora?
Kde je amfora?
Where's the Amphora?
The Amphora?
Tohle je pátá amfora.
This is the fifth Amphora.
To je amfora temnoty.
It's the Amphora of Darkness.
Jak se sakra dostala amfora do města?
How the hell did the Amphora get inside the city?

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