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akr Czech

Meaning akr meaning

What does akr mean in Czech?


acre anglosaská plošná míra (asi 0,4 hektaru)

Translation akr translation

How do I translate akr from Czech into English?

akr Czech » English


Synonyms akr synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as akr?

akr Czech » Czech

stará plošná jednotka acre 873 m2

Inflection akr inflection

How do you inflect akr in Czech?

akr · noun


Examples akr examples

How do I use akr in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Jednou mi ríkal, že možnost prodat tu pudu po peti stech za akr.
One day he said he had a great chance to sell that land for 500 an acre.
Pět centů za akr.
They paid five cents an acre.
Dolar za akr?
Dollar an acre?
Řekněme, dva dolary za akr.
I'd say two dollars an acre.
Měl jsem farmu, kde jsem občas sklidil 100 bušlů kamení na akr.
I had me a farm where some years I'd raise 100 bushels of rocks to the acre.
Pokud budou vaše usedlosti vzkvétat, zasloužíte si každý akr země.
If you make these homesteads go, you'll have earned every acre of it.
Dám vám 50 centů za akr.
I'll give you 50 cents an acre.
Dostanem ten dům i poslední akr půdy, bude dán do dražby.
We'll get the house and every last acre of land when they put it up for taxes.
Jednotlivec si může zapsat 320 akrů pouštní půdy za dolar a čtvrt za akr.
Under the Desert Land Act, an individual can file for up to 320 acres at a dollar and a quarter an acre.
Dolar a čtvrt za akr.
Dollar and a quarter an acre.
Dnes padá jenom 80 tun mouru na akr.
Only 80 tons of soot per acre falling today.
Zisk je 4,75 dolarů na akr.
That's at a profit of 4.75 dollars an acre.
Upravovali jsme cestu, míli po míli, akr po akru země, pro náš budoucí rozvoj.
Having cleared away the outdated, we've got mile after mile and acre after acre of land, for our future prosperity.
Oh, a mimochodem, akrová stopa je dost vody. aby pokryla akr půdy se stopou vody.
Oh, and by the way, an acre foot is enough water. to cover an acre of land with a foot of water.