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Examples xy examples

How do I use xy in a sentence?

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A teď chci ten perlový náhrdelník, pane XY.
Now, Mr. Whatever-your-name-is, I want that pearl necklace.
Jednotka XY-7584 7 lokalizovala flotilu klingonských lodí.
Captain. Unit XY-75847 report a fleet of Klingon ships in their sector, sir.
A teď, slečno XY. máme pro vás samostatný pokoj kde budete v bezpečí.
Now, Miss, uh. X, we have a comfortable private room for you where you'll be safer, we'll all be safer, and you'll be a lot more comfortable.
Haló, vy tam, pane XY!
Hey, you! What's yer name!
Tak, pane XY, kdo je další?
So, whoever you are, who's next?
Ty máš xx a xy.
XX for you and XY for me.
XY, je chlapec.
XY, you're a boy.
XX je dívka, XY je chlapec.
XX for a girl, XY for a boy.
Ale je to proti nařízení 457XY2-665 vám ji dát.
But it'd be against Regulation 457XY2-665 to give it to you.
Kdesi mezi genem X a genem Y se to promíchalo a vznikl XY.
Somewhere between Gen X and Y, they blended and made XY.
XX nebo XY?
XX or X Y?
Pan XY zjistí, že jeho dcera poměr s jedním z nich a že kvůli dalšímu přišel o práci.
Joe Six-Pack finds out his daughter is dating one of them, or that he lost his job to one.
Muži mají chromozomy XY, že?
Males have XY chromosomes, right?
Ne, spíš jsem měla na mysli chromozom XY.
No, I was thinking more of the XY chromosome combination.